message was private, but when everyone started snickering I knew they’d all heard.
“Let’s concentrate on the task at hand,” Hania said. “Verloren, touch her with your other hand. Ash, do the same as before, but be aware of where he is placing his hand. I won’t let anything bad happen.”
Verloren raised his hand, his fingers trembling. I pulled back the flames from my face and neck, knowing where he would touch me.
“Perfect,” said Hania. “If you practice this enough, it will become second nature not to inflict a burn.”
Suddenly I felt light-headed. A strange pressure filled my ears. My vision blurred.
“Love, are you all right?” Verloren asked.
As I fell I extinguished my flames. Verloren caught me. I couldn’t move. Verloren’s lips moved, but I couldn’t hear what he was saying. All I heard was th e rushing noise of a train before everything faded to black.
6 pending connection
I woke up from a dream of Verloren and me together and felt warm breath on my face and a warm body against mine. I was in bed with him. Maybe I was still dreaming. His breathing was rapid and shaky and I could see his face only dimly close to mine. Light from our living area cast a feeble glow into the bedroom. Verloren smiled sleepily. I felt the first faint memories returning.
“W- what happened?” I asked.
“You’re a fainter,” he said.
“I fainted? Why?”
“Hania says every dragon reacts differently to a complete loss of energy. Some aren’t affected, some tire, while some, like you, pass out. For a while I could’ve sworn you were in a coma. You’ve been completely unresponsive for over twelve hours. The world could have ended and you would’ve slept through it. I was worried you might not wake up.” He struggled to keep his eyes open.
“You look tired, ” I told him.
“I was too worried to sleep. Your body temperature dropped. Coylene and Hania thought you might have spent so much energy that you’d gone into hibernation. They checked you over though, and said you would wake soon enough. They thought it might take a day or two. I’m glad it didn’t.”
I ran my hand down his naked chest and stomach. His breathing shuddered and he trembled as he held my face and kissed me.
“You dreamt about us,” he said .
“You were watching again?” I covered my face with my hand.
“Don’t be embarrassed. It’s a compliment that you can’t get enough of me. Strange how it draws me to you whether you’re asleep or awake.”
You know what’s weirder than my erotic dreams affecting you? I asked.
I held up my hand, ignited a black flame as big as a baseball and I put it out. My cheeks tingled as I buried my face in his neck.
“What do you need me around for?” he asked.
I nibbled his neck and took it upon myself to show him.
I woke later to a rapid beating on our door. I looked over at Verloren sleeping and crept out of bed, pulling a blanket with me. The knocking quickened. I went to the door, cracked it open, and drew the blanket around me. As Jason peered through the crack, his face lit up at my nakedness.
“Keep it down,” I whispered. “You’re going to wake up Verloren.”
“It’s ten o’clock at night,” Jason blared. “What did you do to him, you fucking succubus?”
Others stood behind Jason. As laughter poured in from the hallway I heard Verloren stir.
“You woke him up,” I snapped at him. “He didn’t sleep while I was passed out.”
I tried to shut the door, but Jason pushed it open. If I’d forced it, the door would’ve cracked. Jason strode in.
“You’re so obnoxious,” I hissed, pulling the blanket tighter.
I heard Verloren dressing. Out in the hall, Jason’s companions headed for the gym.
“Passed out?” Jason sneered. “Was that what was making so much noise? You passing out and your boyfriend guarding you? That was a lot of moaning for someone who was unconscious. Some of our friends have acute hearing, and
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