In the Presence of My Enemies

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Book: In the Presence of My Enemies by Stephen A. Fender Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephen A. Fender
Tags: Fiction, Science-Fiction, Space Opera
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‘passing near’ is all you do.”
       “Last I checked, the Kafaran s have no claim to Delta Canaras, Colonel,” Shawn said to the Kafaran’s back.
       Tausan turned slowly to face Shawn. “And we are far removed from Unified space, Commander .”
       “That’s true, but I distinctly remember the Kafaran s abandoning this area after Sector Command forces gave them a pretty good pasting.”
       Tausan grunted. “That, Commander Kestrel, is a matter of opinion. As I recall, Sector Command elements were all but wiped out by nearly half as many Kafaran warships. They did not abandon the area, as you say it. They merely departed because there were no humans left to kill.”
       “Gentleman,” Ambassador McDermott calmly injected, trying to stop the conversation from escalating.
       “Sector Command, and by default the Unified Government, is more than just humanity,” Shawn retorted.
       “Immaterial, Commander,” Tausan said calmly. “Your race is the majority, and by default the strongest voice.”
       “That’s how your race sees it, Kafaran. Not mine.”
       “Gentleman, please,” McDermott all but shouted, brining all eyes squarely on himself in the process. “This is neither the time nor the place for this discussion. For the time being, the Kafarans ’ Army of Light and the Unified Government are united against a common foe. I will not let either of you jeopardize this mission over your own personal feelings against each other.”
       “Well said,” Melissa chimed in, which elicited a cold stare from Shawn.
       Sufficiently motivated by her agreement, the ambassador continued. “I am, by nature, a diplomat, not a military man. Far more good has come into this universe over diplomacy than warfare. However, I am the ranking official on board, and I’ve been placed in that position by both of our governments. I can’t order you two to be friends, nor do I expect that you’ll be bunkmates anytime soon, but I will tell you to leave whatever bigotry or hatred you have against one another in your staterooms. You will tolerate—and cooperate—with each other from here on out. Understood?”
       Trent turned to Shawn, half-expecting his friend to reach over and throttle the ambassador just for good measure. He was shocked when instead Shawn spoke.
       “I know my place. I don’t need to be put there by you.”
       McDermott was far from convinced. “Is that a ‘yes’?”
       “As much of one as you’ll get out of me.”
       “Colonel Tausan?”
       The Kafaran’s only response was to grunt, then turn back to the small view port.
       “Excellent,” McDermott beamed, pleased with himself over another small victory he could slip under his belt.
       The next several minutes were both tense and silent as the rest of the assembly finished their meal. It was Sergeant Wilcox who broke the stalemate. “Aren’t you worried about debris?” the Marine asked.
       Trent nodded. “The sensors are tuned to pick up anything that might damage the hull.”
       “How much is out there?” Melissa asked.
       Shawn leaned his head back, sliding it from side to side as he worked to relax his strained muscles. “From my understanding, quite a bit.”
       “But you don’t know.”
       Though the physical pain in his neck was now lessened, he knew he could do little for the personal ones named Tausan and McDermott, and he tilted his head back to Melissa. “I’ve never been out this far, but I saw the after-action report, back during the war. Two very large fleets got into a nasty scuffle out here, and few came back to tell the tale.” This was rewarded by Tausan turning to look at Shawn, who in turn stared at the Kafaran. “From either side,” Shawn finished resolutely.
       It was then that the proximity alarm began to softly hum through the compartment.
       “Is that a collision alarm, Commander?” the ambassador asked nervously.
       “No,” Trent

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