Hair of Gold: Just Right (Urban Fairytales Book 6)

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Book: Hair of Gold: Just Right (Urban Fairytales Book 6) by Erik Schubach Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erik Schubach
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pan and the man with her made some intricate sweeping motion with the whip he held, and it wrapped around the raider's neck and the boy yanked and sent the man spinning to the ground.
    The woman screamed a challenge, her dagger pointing toward one man, and her frying pan at another. I instinctively leaned into Little Bear as my brothers joined me on the rise. They paused as well to take in the odd tableau below as the young couple held off the group of marauders handily.
    I was knocked out of my amazement when I saw the sun extinguish itself over the peaks behind the combatants. I hissed, “Yob!” And I started charging down the hillside through the trees, my brothers sounding like rolling thunder as they charged along behind with bellowing roars as they crashed through the underbrush.
    My blood chilled as I heard answering howls not far off. My eyes shot to the Wolf Moon on the horizon. “Yob!”
    The men had backed off from the couple to face us, keeping their attention split between two enemies. Two men pulled nets out of their packs. My eyes narrowed, they were prepared. This was another raiding party being sent toward our village.
    I snagged a fist full of fur on Pavel's neck and pulled myself up onto him as my brothers charged past me. I stood on his shoulders and bellowed my own bear cry with the others. We hit the first men without slowing, Pavel knocking one into a tree with a sickening thud with a single swipe of a massive claw.
    I dove off of him rolling in front of the couple and coming up on one knee, blade facing the enemy. Little Bear came to a skidding halt beside me, then with a clang, he got a frying pan to his nose. He yelped in surprise, and I started to protest to the snarling woman, “Hey, what was that...” when with a clang, I was seeing spots and could feel blood trickling from my nose.
    I growled animalistically and my hand shot out as I yanked the frying pan from the woman's hand. “Stop that! We are here to help you!” I blinked. The moment I pulled the pan from her hand, she had dropped her dagger, and her hands were weaving in the air as a greenish energy started to build in them.
    She blinked and paused as she looked around to see my bigger brothers slamming into the raiders. She just nodded once and turned from me and sent that energy she was gathering at the nearest raider.
    It slammed into him with such force that he went tumbling head over heels through the air to impact with one of his comrades. I blinked again and caught motion in my peripheral vision and twisted and ducked as I slashed my sword up in an arc with both hands, cleaving the front legs off of the first of the werewolves that had just arrived.
    Things had just gotten a lot more complicated.
    I had to blink when the young man didn't even hesitate and had swung his whip at the wolf as it yelped and tumbled to the ground. His whip cut deep into its neck, leaving the stench of burned flesh and fur behind. The beasts flesh was foaming white as it slumped to the ground and started to change back to human in death. The whip had silver in it?
    The shock on my face turned to a wry smile as I caught the slightly smug grin the woman shot me. Then I growled out my challenge and dove at the raiders whose attention was pulled away by the need to fight off the arriving wolves. The young brunette seemed to be grinning as she picked up her little dagger while power gathered in her other hand.
    I grinned at her as we clashed with the enemy.

Chapter 8 – New Allies
    The battle had been over quickly, my brothers saw to that. I kept glancing back at this wild-eyed brunette as she stood at my back knocking wolves back for her companion to deal with as I kept the raiders at bay while my brothers dispatched them. It felt oddly comfortable having her at my back.
    When all was quiet except for the distant howling of wolves, I stepped up to my brother and examined his bleeding nose. I thumped his shoulder a couple times and said, “You'll be

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