Every Yesterday (Boot Creek)

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Book: Every Yesterday (Boot Creek) by Nancy Naigle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nancy Naigle
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phone over the years, we could’ve traveled around the world a few times. We’ve laughed together, cried together, laughed until we cried, okay fine, or until I snorted, which always made her laugh even harder, but all the same it was good. We’ve been there for each other through the hardest times in our lives, and I couldn’t be more delighted to see her happier than I’ve ever seen her . . . with you, Jackson.”
    Everyone clapped and Jackson kissed Angie as the onlookers aaaawwwwwed in response.
    “How many of y’all believe in love at first sight? Show of hands.” Megan raised a hand in the air.
    A smattering of hands rose. Noah stood across the way with his hands folded across his chest, a beer in one hand. He had one of those, “Really?” looks on his face, which she promptly ignored.
    “Yeah, I used to be a skeptic too,” Megan said, making eye contact with Noah. “But these two are proof that it happens. The smile on Angie’s face the first time she mentioned Jackson’s name was the widest, brightest smile I’d ever seen. And when I met Jackson, I knew why. I love the way you love her, Jackson. You made this girl believe in love at first sight. Help me give our host tonight, ol’ man Johnson, a round of applause to thank him for this fabulous night.”
    Derek stepped over and reached for Megan’s hand to help her down. The volume in the room soared back to where it had been a few moments ago, and folks went back to mingling.
    From across the room someone let out a loud whistle, the kind that usually requires a couple fingers in your mouth. All heads turned in that direction.
    Noah didn’t bother to stand on a chair. Didn’t need to at over six feet tall, but he had everyone’ s attention.
    Show off.
    “I’m Noah Black. Jackson and I go way back to our days in Tennessee. I’m from California and Ford here traveled all the way from Alaska. Angie, when Jackson called and told me he was getting married, I couldn’t believe it, but after meeting you I can see how and why he fell so deeply in love with you. I believe marriage is a wonderful thing for Jackson. It will teach him loyalty, self-restraint, and compromise. It’ll even develop his sense of responsibility and so many other things he wouldn’t have even needed if he’d stayed single.”
    The men laughed, the women groaned.
    Megan grabbed a fresh glass of wine from the bar and took a long sip. Well, if that wasn’t the most backhanded compliment she’d ever heard. Even if he did have a point.
    “Seriously, everyone is here tonight to wish you two well, and I think I speak for everyone when I say we are so happy you included us in this very special occasion. This time next week you’ll be honeymooning.” Noah leaned toward Jackson. “Not mooning. Those days are now in the past. May the countdown begin?”
    Guys slapped Jackson on the back, but Megan heard the undertones, the unspoken in Noah’s speech. She couldn’t agree with him more. Being married changed a person. That was one heck of a price to snare a long-term roommate. At least he was straight up about what he felt, unlike the men that would tell you what they thought you wanted to hear.
    Megan grabbed a plate off the buffet line and headed out back to grab a burger and to keep herself from chastising Noah. It wasn’t her place, but really why had he seen the need to make a second announcement?
    Several couples were eating out on the back lot. It was cooler out here without all the body heat of the packed restaurant. But the party was inside. With her plate politely full of a little bit of everything ol’ man Johnson had cooked up, Megan went back in.
    “Mind if I slip in here with y’all?” Megan asked Derek before she registered that Noah sat on the other side of the table.
    Keep your enemies closer.
    Derek slid over to make room. “Sure. Join us.”
    The atmosphere was casual and fun, but something about Noah set her on alert. She wasn’t sure why. Derek was

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