Daeton's Journey (Wiccan-Were-Bear Book 10)

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Book: Daeton's Journey (Wiccan-Were-Bear Book 10) by R. E. Butler Read Free Book Online
Authors: R. E. Butler
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don’t have a choice.  If I fail, I’ll lose my whole family.”  The son she’d seen in her vision was haunting her.  If she believed her vision – and she did – she was carrying that son right now.  “Adriel.”
    “Excuse me?” Cosmo said.
    “I think I’d like to name the baby Adriel, after my dad.  I just…sorry, I know I’m supposed to be concentrating, but the vision has stuck with me.”
    “They tend to do that,” he said, smiling gently.
    She focused on Finn and Odin, gripping the bone blade.  As they attacked her, she tried to remember everything she’d been taught.  Her brother Axe had taught her about blade fighting when she was young, but she knew that unless fate was on her side – and she sure hoped the fickle bitch was – that she wouldn’t succeed.
    * * * * *
    Ekho stood with Daeton and Perseus on the streets of Cholas.  The sun was setting and the streets were clear.  Rysk and Tyrant stood on either side of their trio, and the Centaurs stood behind them, ready to fight.
    The Centaurs had cleared the streets, urging the shop owners and residents to stay indoors and out of harm’s way.  Some other species that called Cholas home had volunteered to fight and Daeton welcomed their help.  In reality, Ekho knew that the real battle – the true life-and-death match – would be between Daeton and whoever was coming for her.  He wished to Hades he knew who it was, and could stop them before they ever reached Daeton.  He’d gladly give up his life to save her.
    The sun set and Daeton tensed beside him, softly growling.  He flexed his claw-tipped fingers, and Perseus, in his half-shifted form, stamped his hooves, his swords flashing in the dying light.
    The scent of sulfur filled the air and a chilly wind began to blow.  Lightning flashed in the sky, but there were no clouds, so he knew it wasn’t a natural storm but one born of magic.  His fur stood on end and he snarled as thick, dark smoke billowed down the main street.
    “Brace yourselves,” Perseus warned.  “Watch each other’s backs.”
    Out of the clouds poured the creatures that had already attacked the Centaur settlement – the Vehsi and the Urtals.  Ekho tensed and bared his fangs and the creatures raced toward them.
    Rysk and Tyrant surged ahead with the Centaurs, fighting the coming throng and keeping them at bay.  Ekho knew it wouldn’t last.  Eventually some of the creatures would get through the fighters and come for them.
    He grabbed Daeton around her waist.  “Up!” he shouted above the din.  “We have to get past the fighters.”
    He lifted her onto Perseus’s back.  Daeton shouted as Perseus bounded away and Ekho felt a creature bearing down on him.  He twisted to the side, skidding on the cobblestone, as two Urtals swung heavy clubs, narrowly missing him.  He saw Perseus and Daeton fighting their way past the creatures to where the smoke seemed to be most concentrated, and he trusted that they would reach their target, whoever, or whatever, it was.
    Ekho’s claws scraped on the cobblestone as he moved around the larger creatures.  They were strong but slow, their bodies too bulky to move quickly.  He ducked one club and thrust his claws into the fleshy belly of one of the creatures, ripping and tearing at its flesh.  It bellowed in pain, falling to its knees as Ekho rolled on the ground, avoiding the second creature’s club.  He leapt to his feet, slashing at the creature with both hands.
    At the sound of hoof beats drawing near, he looked up and saw Casper coming toward him, one hand outstretched.  Ekho grabbed his forearm and swung up onto his back.  As Casper wheeled in the street, he shouted over his shoulder, “Let’s go help your mate!”
    They fought their way toward the smoke where Perseus and Daeton had disappeared.  Sending up a silent prayer to whichever deity kept were-bears safe, Ekho took out two Vehsi and knocked a club from an Urtal’s hand as Rysk and

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