Class Trip

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Book: Class Trip by Rachel Burns Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Burns
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started to
shake. I was lying in bed with a man who felt that he owned me. What
did that mean?
    “You look so
confused. Let me explain it to you. You belong to me now. I will make
sure that you have everything that you need. You never have to worry
about anything ever again. I will be taking care of you. No one else,
ever, just Tata. Do you understand?”
    I shook my head
    He moved in
closer to me and laid an arm around me. “You don't have to be
afraid of me. I will only spank you when you are bad. I will never
hit you for the fun of it.”
    Was he saying
that he thought that it was fun and that he was going to hold himself
back even though he liked it so much?
    I really wanted
him to take his arm away from me. He was moving me over to the middle
of the bed.
    “No,” I tried
to get up but his arm caged me in.
    “No, what?”
    “No, to
everything,” I said but it sounded more like a question.
    “You will do as
you are told. I think that that is very important.” He leaned down
to me and held his face right above mine. “You are mine now. You
can't get away from me. I'd advice you not to try. If you don't fight
me then we will get along nicely. If you do you know what will
happen.” He kissed me then and his left hand moved to my breast.
His right was holding my head in place.
    I was shaking
more than before. He was about to have sex with me.
    “Please don't.”
    “Shh, the
others are still asleep.”
    A steady flow of
tears were running down my face.
    He pushed up and
looked down at me. “I don't want to hurt you. Please just let me.
It will be better for you, I promise.”
    This couldn't be
happening. He was my teacher. It was his job to take care of me.
    “I know this is
your first time and I will be especially careful with you. I know
lots of tricks to lessen the pain but you need to relax. That is the
most important thing.”
    I just stared at
him. I think I was in shock. He opened the buttons to my pajama top
and reached inside and squeezed my naked breast.
    “I like how
soft you are. You are cuddly. I will like sharing my bed with you”
He let go and tugged at the bottom of the pajama top and lifted it up
over my breasts. He stared at them for a while and then he captured a
nipple with his mouth. He was sucking on my breast.
    This was wrong on
so many different levels. He was my teacher. I was so young. I didn't
give my consent. That was the most important.
    “Please, don't
hurt me.”
    “No, of course
not, angel. I already told you that I would be very careful with you.
You are very important to me. I know that you are scared but Tata is
here. I'll hold your hand.”
    “Please no,”
I begged.
    “Shh. I know
that you are scared but the best thing is just to get it over with.
It won't be as bad as you are imagining it.” He sat back on his
heels and pulled my pajama bottoms down and away.
    I snapped and
just cried. I heard him saying Shh a lot but he kept on
touching me and continuing with what he wanted. He opened my legs
wide like they had been at the doctors. His hands were all over me
touching and squeezing.
    “Shh, angel,
Tata isn't hurting you, is he?”
    I decided not to
answer that. I turned my head so I couldn't see him. I was wishing
that I had taken Karate as a child and that I would have a black belt
by now. I felt how hard his thing was as he lined it up and slowly
pushed it into me.
    The pain choked
me and made me sit up a bit. I was trying to get away from him but he
had me pinned down into the mattress.
    “Shh, angel,
relax. You need to relax.”
    I was sure that
he was ripping me. Damaging me beyond repair. I was hurting at my
core and it was a terrible pain.
    “Relax, you
need to relax,” he was whispering in my ear.
    I wasn't a virgin
anymore. My teacher had entered me and taken it away.
    He was kissing my
neck and talking softly.
    “Please no.
Please, please no,” I begged back also in whispers. I had thought
that I would scream in my pain but I was just too shocked for

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