Autumn Adventure (Summer Unplugged #6)

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Book: Autumn Adventure (Summer Unplugged #6) by Amy Sparling Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Sparling
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opinion. But this is our honeymoon so I’m not going to get in an argument. “So where is this plane headed?”
    “You were sleeping pretty hard, so I had to make the choice for us,” he says. “You probably don’t remember this, but there’s this place in Louisiana that—”
    “Big Al’s Seafood,” I say with a laugh. It’s a restaurant in Louisiana that Jace’s parents always went to when he was a kid and had a race in New Orleans. Jace has talked about their shrimp po’boy sandwiches so many times that he’s insane if he thinks I don’t remember.
    “Is that okay?” he asks. “If not, there’s tons of places to eat in New Orleans…”
    I nod. “Baby, I love being treated like a princess all of the time,” I say. “Trust me, I do. But you’re an equal member in this marriage and you can totally pick the places we go to. So stop looking so worried about your decision. I love it. Let’s go.”
    “You’re the best wife ever,” he says.
    I smile. “You’re the best husband ever.”
    From somewhere in the ceiling, the voice of our pilot crackles through a speaker, “Oh my god, would you two stop being so sappy? I’m getting diabetes by listening to all the sweetness.”
    Heat rushes up my face as mortification fills every cell of my body. “Wait, you can hear us?” I say aloud, to wherever the microphone is in this room.
    “Just for the last minute or two, whenever one of y’all hit the intercom button.”
    Jace starts laughing and apologizes to Christopher. I jump up out of bed and sure enough, just above our heads is a red button with a label that says intercom. We must have hit it when Jace pulled me on top of him. “Oh my god, I’m so embarrassed,” I say, covering my face with my hands.
    “I can still hear you,” Christopher says. “Hit the button again.”
    I practically dive through the air to punch the button again, while Jace erupts into laugher. My face is beet red and yet his eyes fill with tears because he’s laughing so hard. I grab the pillow and throw it at him.
    “You remember that best husband thing I just said? Well, I take it back!”
    Jace gives me a seductive look which sends a tingle down my body even though I’m still mad at him. “Imagine if we had hit that button a few hours ago.”
    I throw the other pillow at him for good measure.

Chapter 12
    A few days later, there is one thing I know to be an absolute fact: New Orleans sucks you in and makes you never want to leave. Jace and I found a hotel in the French Quarter and we paid for five nights up front. We were both tired of flying places and Big Al’s Seafood really is as delicious as Jace made it out to be, so we wanted to squeeze in as many meals as possible before we go home.
    There’s something magical about New Orleans, especially at night. The air is thick with history and the people are always nice. And most of them are drunk, but still. They’re nice.
    I do more shopping in downtown New Orleans than I did in all of Hollywood. We get souvenirs for our parents and for Becca and I buy a dozen more things that I swear are gifts even though I want to keep them for myself.
    Between hitting up the zoo and touring several museums, I start to lose myself in thoughts that don’t involve our honeymoon. I hadn’t thought it would be possible to forget I’m supposed to be on the most romantic adventure of a lifetime, but here I am, touring a Mardi Gras museum with Jace and fretting about motherhood.
    We don’t have baby stuff yet. We don’t have a car seat or bottles or diapers. We have a spare bedroom that’s full of junk and a weight bench and a few pairs of Jace’s old motocross boots stacked by the window. That’s not a nursery.
    What’s worse than our complete lack of preparedness to bring a child into the world? The fact that we haven’t chosen a name for him yet.
    It’s weird, right? We’re having a baby, and we’ve known that for almost six months and we still haven’t talked about

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