About Sisterland

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Book: About Sisterland by Martina Devlin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Martina Devlin
Tags: Fantasy, Women's Fiction, Literary Fiction
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luxury below was a thick-pile carpet which muffled their footsteps, but the pared-back effect was soothing after the tumult of the readying room. It allowed for a transitional stage.
    As they passed between lines of wooden doors, Constance said, “It’s so quiet. I thought there’d be some noise from behind them.”
    “Every mating cube is sound-proofed. We like to give our sisters privacy. We also believe in protecting them, of course. Each sister is alone with a meet, but help is always close by.”
    “How can help be close by if nobody can hear what goes on inside? Could you hear if someone screamed?”
    “No, sound doesn’t travel out from the cubes. But we wouldn’t dream of sending in sisters without protection. I’ll let Charity explain. She runs the mating floor.”
    Halfway along the corridor a door lay ajar. “That’s the control hub. It’s run by Charity 8521. We lured her here from the biggest matingplace in Righteous.”
    Constance blinked. People working in Righteous rarely had a chance to transfer to Harmony or Steadfast, or vice versa. “You must have had to pull strings with the Mating Board,” she said.
    “I did what I had to do. I saw Charity in action and knew she was exactly what the Tower needed.” She raised her whispery voice. “Charity, incoming business.”
    A woman with an unfriendly expression was silhouetted in the doorway. She wore black tights, like the other Tower attendants but, instead of a tabard, her top half was covered with fake chainmail, with a belt crisscrossing her body from shoulder to waist. Against one hip dangled a strap, ending in a metal box about the size of her hand.
    “Charity, this is Constance 500.”
    Shrewd eyes measured Constance. She noticed Constance staring at the piece of equipment, and stroked it. “You like my stifstat?’
    “I don’t know what it is.”
    “A necessary precaution is what it is. Shoots an electric shot into the brain, causing temporary paralysis.”
    Constance stiffened. She was about to register a protest when the Mating Mother intervened.
    “History tells us men don’t share our views on non-violence. Charity only uses it in exceptional circumstances. All well on the mating floor, Charity?’
    While they spoke, Constance managed a glance into the control hub, where a large screen was broken into boxes, showing all the doors along the corridor. In the corner of each box was a purple timer ticking down minutes, while a green light glowed in the middle of the boxes. She was recalled to business at the mention of her name.
    “Constance is a first-timer. I’m putting her in Dawn Cube.”
    “New meet in there,” said Charity. “We just took delivery of him. Extremely fit specimen. Outdoors type.”
    “I know he’s a first-timer – that’s why I’ve earmarked him for Constance.”
    “Isn’t that the blind leading the blind?”
    “Constance is younger than most of our sisters. I believe they’ll be a good match.”
    “What are those monitors for? To see inside the mating cube?” asked Constance. She still thought she might be watched – no matter what the Mating Mother said.
    “Nope. Not allowed. If I had my way, I’d see and hear everything. But the Mating Board won’t allow it.” Charity’s scowl showed her low opinion of that directive. “Ridiculously lenient. Just as silly as parties in readying rooms, if you ask me.”
    “Our guests need to be spoiled, Charity.” Playful, the Mating Mother wagged a finger. “Now, Constance is concerned about her safety. I told her you’d put her mind at rest.”
    From a pocket, Charity produced a crystal ball with indentations on its surface. “Keep this near you at all times. See the button on this end? It sets off an alarm on the monitor I’ll be watching.” She pointed towards the boxes inside the control hub. “Those green lights turn orange and start flashing if there’s a problem at your end. I’ll be at your side in seconds if you need me. If things

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