A New Day
investigation is underway," Mother replied. "There are no surface or subsurface contacts within three hundred miles."
    "Thank you, how are you doing in your attack?" Gail asked.
    "One final system remains; the secure military network. It has intrusion detection and defenses. We are currently working around them and should have control in twenty minutes," Mother replied. "While this is the primary target for this attack, all other systems are secured and you can now communicate off-planet without fear of detection."
    "Excellent. I'm certain the Admiral would like to open a channel to his own command as soon as possible," Gail replied.
    Yolinar nodded. "Indeed. Mother can you please access the MilNet Comm network. I will input my codes manually."
    "Accessing now, secure input mode enabled, Admiral," Mother replied.
    "While he's doing that, we'll also need a channel opened to the Ranger fleet in orbit," Gail ordered.
    "Admiral, it is good to hear from you. Our ships in Lizarrus space have come under attack," another Hyclarion said from one of the big monitors.
    Yolinar shook his head and gave Gail a half-smile. "You were right on the money with your predictions, General." He quickly introduced those around him to his staff and both teams quickly got to work.
    Terran Marine Base Alpha
    26 Apr. 10266 CE (AD)
    Sector 34871 - Great Inland Sea
    Earth, Sol system
    When Mother finished her recitation of the history pieced together from the survivors records and those taken from the DataNet and Addson's skipper. Ranger T'Gree presented his findings on Ben's claim to the planet.
    "I'm sorry, Senator, but there is no doubt at all as to the veracity of this claim. This planet is undoubtedly the origin of the human race," Ranger T'Gree finished. "Further, there is evidence that indicates that, at the very least, Duke Tammerain has known that fact all along. Quite possibly, all of the lizards know."
    "Which adds the charge of species suppression to the list for the Duke," Hjoolous replied. "Thank you, Ranger T'Gree. You have been very thorough, and your efforts are greatly appreciated."
    T'Gree bowed. "Thank you Majesty." He rose and took a seat near his Commander.
    "Senator, do you still dispute the claim?" Hjoolous asked.
    Glandril shook her head. "I cannot, Majesty. However, the Senate will be very concerned about such a valuable and important planet being given over to the humans. I mean no offense by this, Prime Council. The simple fact is that it is well known that humans have no experience in galactic commerce. The Empire needs the ohto this planet produces, naturally we would be concerned if that supply is threatened."
    "Senator, before the Aeries where installed here, how did the rest of the empire breathe? For that matter, our atmosphere is not even the optimal one for most of the races of the Empire. So how did Terra become so important to the production and mining of ohto, when there are better atmospheres available in abundance on other worlds?" Ben asked.
    "Because of the diversity of races in the Empire, it is necessary for the atmo-processors on ships to use ohto in varying levels for the comfort of the crews. Without the ability to vary the ohto levels, it would not be possible for a mixed race crew to serve together on the same ship," she explained.
    Ben nodded. "A viable reason. Let me ask you one other question then, this base is almost a mile under an ocean, and several hundred miles from the nearest land. How do you suppose we get our air?"
    "I have no idea, Prime Council. I would imagine you are extracting it from the water or perhaps importing it from another location," the Senator replied.
    "I can tell you that we are not importing it from another location, but your first assumption was partially correct. In fact, a good portion of what we use down here is taken from the sea, although not in the way you would imagine. This is one of the secrets we must keep, but the original point I was trying to make

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