Zulu Hart

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Book: Zulu Hart by Saul David Read Free Book Online
Authors: Saul David
Tags: Historical
Harris, culminating in the setup at Westbury Park. When he had finished, Jake was speechless. He sat there open-mouthed, slowly shaking his head. At last he spoke. ‘George, if I didn’t know you better, I’d say you’ve been at the drink already. What an extraordinary tale. Poor you! As if finding out the truth about your father and his disgraceful machinations was not enough, you have your career ended by a man who sounds every bit as unpleasant. The question is , what can we do about it?’

    ‘Not we, Jake — I.I won’t have you jeopardizing your career for my sake. It’s too late anyway.’

    ‘It’s never too late. Your father, whoever he is, clearly has influence at the Horse Guards. Why don’t you appeal directly to the military secretary, or the commander-in-chief, even? You’ve been wronged, George, surely they’ll see that?’

    George put his hand on Jake’s sleeve. ‘I admire your spirit, but there’s no way back for me now. Harris has witnesses who will testify to my cheating at cards, not to mention that vixen Mrs Bradbury, who claims I tried to dishonour her. It’s my word against theirs. Who do you think a jury’s going to believe: an eighteen-year-old officer or a “respectable” willow? In any case, I gave my word to Harris that, in return for his silence, I’d resign from the KDG. He’s kept his side of the bargain; I’ve got to keep mine.’

    ‘But you haven’t done anything wrong!’ said his friend, banging the table with his fist. ‘It’s madness to stay silent. That way Harris wins.’

    ‘Either way Harris wins, because if I speak out, I’ll face social ostracism and a probable term in prison. No, I have to face facts. My time in the army is over. But look on the bright side,’ said George, smiling in a vain effort to lighten the mood. ‘At least there’s no longer the temptation for me to put my life on the line to win my father’s bequest.’

    Jake sighed. ‘Those sort of sums are not to be sniffed at. I know winning a VC by the age of twenty-eight is not going to be easy, but nor is it impossible. And bear in mind that you don’t have to be an officer in a British regiment to win a VC; just under British command. We’ve recently been warned for service in South Africa against the Kaffir tribes of the Cape frontier. If you go out under your own steam, you might be able to join one of the irregular units already in action. Probably not as an officer, but at least you’d be back in the military. You’re a born soldier, George, and don’t let anyone tell you different.’

    ‘And you’re a good friend. But I’ve had my fill of the army and officers like Harris and Bell. I’ve a mind to try something different, and now that you mention it, South Africa might just be the place. Didn’t they find diamonds in the Cape a few years ago?’

    ‘Yes, along the Orange and Vaal rivers, if memory serves. But they’ve made more discoveries since, particularly at Kimberley, where the diggings are dry and the diamonds the size of gulls’ eggs. It’s said you can go from pauper to prince with one find. If you’re lucky, that is. Most aren’t.’

    ‘You’re such an old pessimist, Jake. It sounds just the ticket. What have I got to lose?’

    ‘I suppose you’re right. And if it doesn’t work out, which it won ‘t, you can always join up. But don’t wait too long or the war will be over and the opportunity gone.’

    ‘There’ll never be a shortage of wars to fight, Jake, of that we can be certain. The main thing is we’re agreed on my course of action: to take the next ship to South Africa.’

    ‘Aren’t you forgetting one thing?’ said Jake, draining his glass.

    ‘Am I? What?’

    ‘Your mother.’

    ‘Ah, yes. My mother. She won’t be happy, of course. But then she’s partly responsible for getting me into this mess in the first place.’

    ‘How so?’

    ‘By her poor choice of men, for one.’

    ‘That’s hardly fair, George.’


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