Worthless: New adult paranormal romance (Age of Blood Book 2)

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Book: Worthless: New adult paranormal romance (Age of Blood Book 2) by May Sage Read Free Book Online
Authors: May Sage
hence my conclusion: you were lying.” 
    Michael wracked his mind, scratching his scalp to speed up the process… but no. He had no recollection of anyone ever putting him on his ass like that.
    He’d always known she was smart, and strong, and pointblank beautiful. He just hadn’t had any reason to think he might want to hire her as an intelligence analyst.
    “You,” he pointed to her face, “are going to stick to me and observe. Stuff the Aspirant job. Right now, you’re my secret weapon.”
    She grinned and nothing had ever seemed more important than ensuring that she did it every single day.
    “What are we looking for?”
    “Anything suspicious,” he replied, pulling her hand to head towards the dance floor, where he started to sway to Tracey Chapman.
    Having her so close to him was a delicious torture.
    “The West European Coven should arrive any time and as one of their members has been murdered, there’s a good chance of some hostility, either from them, or more than likely, from whoever started this – the suspect wouldn’t have flown to NYC without reason. And let’s not forget Daniela.”
    “Let’s not. Who’s Daniela, again? No, I got that one. She wanted to be Queen, right? So she’ll probably turn up in a dramatic outfit with barely any stitch of fabric, and wearing a headpiece that couldn’t honestly be called anything else than a crown.”
    “Come on, no one would be tasteless enough to do…” Cecilia did a little turn to change their position, making him face the entrance. “Oh.”
    Daniela stood in front of the door, in a skintight black number cut off midriff, mid-thigh, mid-boobs and pretty much mid anything. And yes, she was most definitely wearing a bloody crown on her dramatically high hairdo.
    Michael was proud to say that he somehow managed to not laugh out loud.
    Once he’d recovered from the sight, he concentrated on her, expecting to find her mind clouded, just like Agnes.
    “We have a slight problem,” Michael frowned. “She isn’t guilty.”
    Daniela was very proud of herself, with good reasons. Her mind screamed quite smugly just what part she’d played in her contact’s scheme: the scapegoat.
    When his faceless enemies hidden behind cloaks had come to her, she’d pointblank refused to have anything to do with their scheme. I wish you well, she’d said, but I refuse to break the law. They’d asked to use her factory, she’d smiled and said that business was another matter altogether, knowing full well that Michael would suspect her, and leave it at that.
    “I need you to get out of here,” he told Cecilia, pulling her towards the door.
    If Daniela felt safe to reveal that much now, things would unfold any minute.
    He stared at William until his brother caught his eye, and sent him the most meaningful look he could muster, gesturing to Fay.
    Dammit, why the heck couldn’t he just speak in other people’s minds like they did in X-men?
    Thankfully, his brother got the gist.
    One last glance around the ballroom revealed Charlotte was nowhere to be seen. It didn’t matter in any case; she could take care of herself.
    “What’s happening?” Cecilia asked just as William and Fay joined them out of the building.
    “Daniela isn’t behind this mess, whatever it is – and she wanted me to know now,” he explained, walking faster, heading across the street, towards Central Park. “Something is happening. Something big. You can’t be here. Same for Fay – and we need to get as many humans as possible out of the building without making it obvious.”
    “On it,” William replied, grabbing his phone just as a humongous, earth shattering, soul grinding shift in the air exploded behind them.
    The others just turned towards the Drake Tower, but Michael bent in two, holding his head between his hands; it felt like his brain was getting crushed.
    There was an unnatural sphere charged with golden particles on top of the building, and when it touched the

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