This Violent Land

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Book: This Violent Land by William W. Johnstone Read Free Book Online
Authors: William W. Johnstone
fingers. “How?” he asked with a pained expression on his face. “Who?”
    â€œWell now, Concho, that’s two different questions,” Clell replied. “Which one do you want me to answer?”
    It didn’t matter which one he answered. The Concho Kid had crumpled to the sawdust-covered floor and lay there dead.
    â€œWhat’s your name, mister?” the bartender asked, shocked at what he had just seen.
    â€œDawson. Clell Dawson.” He put his pistol away.
    Again, there was a collective gasp from the saloon patrons, for Clell Dawson was a name known all through the West.
    â€œDamn,” the bartender said. “If The Kid had known that, he would have never drawn on you.”
    â€œYeah, he would have. That boy had a need to prove himself stuck in his craw, and he would have drawn on me if I had been his own brother.” Finishing his beer, Clell nodded at the bartender, then left the saloon, walked next door, and checked in to the hotel.
    â€œJaney, you shouldn’t have bought me this,” Sally said, looking at the dress spread out on the bed in her small house. “I mean, why would you do such a thing?”
    â€œBecause you’re my friend, and when I saw this dress while I was in Denver, I just knew it would look so good on you. Your eyes are such a beautiful color, and this dress will make them stand out. Do try it on.”
    â€œI really shouldn’t. I mean, I’ve never given you anything. I feel like such a—”
    â€œNonsense. You have given me something. You’ve given me your friendship. That’s something none of the other . . . ladies . . . of Bury have done.” Janey set the word ladies apart from the rest of the sentence as if questioning whether there really were any ladies in Bury.
    â€œAnd why shouldn’t I?” Sally said with a broad smile. “After all, you did save my life the first day I arrived in town.”
    â€œYes,” Janey said, returning the smile. “I did, didn’t I?”
    â€œHow was your trip to Denver? You were gone for two weeks.”
    â€œI very much enjoyed it. I got to see a play . . . Around the World in Eighty Days it was called . . . and oh, it was so delightful. And I saw a musical revue. I know you’re from the Northeast and you’re used to big cities, but for a Missouri girl like me, it was all just wonderful and fascinating. I bought so many beautiful things, not only for you, but for Flora and Emma, too, and all the other girls.”
    â€œYou are a valuable friend to have, Janey, in more ways than one,” Sally said. “I will have to do something for you, someday.”
    â€œLike I told you, Sally, you’re my friend. You know who I am and what I am, but still, you’re my friend. You’ve already done a lot for me. Let’s go so I can give away the other things.”
    They walked down to the Pink House, where Janey presented her gifts to Flora and the others.
    â€œYou really shouldn’t have spent so much of your money on us,” Flora protested.
    Janey laughed. “It wasn’t my money, it was Josh Richards’s money. I told him that if he wanted me to get some papers signed for him in Denver, it was going to cost him five hundred dollars.”
    â€œWhat papers did he want signed?” Flora asked.
    â€œThey were deeds of transfer—probably illegal. They probably made him ten times as much money as I made him give me.”
    â€œJaney, why do you stay with him?” Flora wanted to know. “By your own admission, he is a crook. Someday someone is going to catch up with him.”
    â€œI’m sure they will, someday. But for now, I intend to ride that horse for as long as it has a saddle.”
    Flora laughed. “I like that, riding a horse for as long as it has a saddle.”
    â€œI have a gift, too,” Emma announced. “I made a blackberry

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