The Value Of Valor - KJ3

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Book: The Value Of Valor - KJ3 by Lynn Ames Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynn Ames
Tags: thriller, Lesbian
Jay’s pillow, breathing in her dead lover’s scent. “I will always love you, Jay. Forever.”

    The Value of Valor


    rystan loved the early morning; it was her favorite time of day.
    T This day in particular, she felt euphoric. Her mother had run into town and asked her to keep Alexa company.
    The patient had been progressing slowly; her injuries were extensive and as a result took time to heal. Each day was a little better than the last, however, and Terri had finally declared that Trystan could take Alexa for a short walk.
    While they hadn’t gotten to spend any time alone together since the day that stranger had come, Trystan had stopped by whenever possible to visit. She, her mother, and Alexa had spent hours playing card games and gossiping about the news on the reservation. Trystan admitted to herself that she was becoming more and more attracted to this woman and not just sexually—Alexa had a gentle, intelligent way about her that was irresistible.
    Trystan lay in bed thinking about where they would go. She decided on a romantic stroll down by the water.

    Alexa blew out a frustrated breath. It had been nearly a month by her calculation since she’d been rescued from the car accident. Despite her best efforts, she still couldn’t recall anything preceding the day she woke up in Terri’s clinic. Her head continued to throb painfully when she turned it too quickly, she couldn’t raise her arms over her head without feeling as though she’d been kicked in the ribs, and it was impossible to dress herself with her shoulder aching the way it did.
    “I am so over this.”
    “I can see that,” Trystan said.
    Alexa gasped in surprise and covered her breasts. She was still unable to wear a bra because the pressure of the garment was too painful with her broken ribs. “I didn’t hear you come in.”
    Trystan shoved off from the doorway where she’d been watching with a mixture of desire and amusement as Alexa fought a losing battle with one of her own long-sleeved shirts. Despite Trystan’s best intentions, being in this woman’s presence evoked powerful sexual urges in her. “I’m sorry, I should have knocked.”

    Lynn Ames

    “Yes, you should have.” Alexa was both embarrassed and furious.
    Trystan tried her best to look contrite, but she was too turned on by the sight of those perfect, creamy breasts and the sweet blush that turned Alexa’s cheeks an appealing shade of red. “Um, can I help you?”
    Alexa wanted to say no but knew she stood no chance of getting the shirt on by herself. “Please.”
    Trystan’s fingers trembled slightly as she reached out to take the shirt from Alexa and slip her injured arm through the sleeve. “It’s been a while since I dressed a woman; normally, I prefer to undress them.”
    Trystan knew immediately that she’d made a mistake.
    Alexa turned away quickly, the action causing the material of the shirt to slip out of Trystan’s grip. “On second thought, I’ll manage myself.” The words were clipped and sharp.
    “Hey, Alexa. I didn’t mean anything by it. I was only joking. I swear.”
    Trystan tried to grab onto the free shirtsleeve, but Alexa moved farther away, seeming to shrink into herself. After a moment, Trystan realized that she was crying.
    “Oh, my God. No, no, Alexa, don’t cry. Please don’t cry. Geez.”
    Trystan reached out awkwardly and patted her on the back. “I’m so, so sorry. Really I am.”
    Alexa managed to get the shirt on the rest of the way herself and button several of the buttons, sniffing and drying her eyes with her hand as it poked out of the sleeve. She went over and sat in a wooden chair near the side of her bed.
    “I’m sorry about that. I don’t know what’s the matter with me.”
    Alexa thought for a minute. “That’s not true. I do know.” She looked up at Trystan, tears still shimmering on her lashes. “I’m scared.”
    Trystan wanted to approach her, but she wasn’t sure that was such a

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