The Taste of Mr. Davenport

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Book: The Taste of Mr. Davenport by Jessica Ingro Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Ingro
craved Carter more with each passing day. He had to feel the same way about her. It was impossible to believe that this fire was only inside of her. He had to have it inside of him as well. She continued to believe they still had a chance. It was what kept her going.
    Elise hadn’t spoken to Claire since they left the beach house. Upon returning to school, Elise petitioned to have her dorm room changed and stayed with a friend while the arrangements were made. At first, Claire tried to get her to see reason. To explain how much she loved Carter and wanted to make him happy, but it was no use. Elise was locked up tight and in denial about the affair. She wanted to believe that Claire used her just to get close to him. Just the thought that someone could believe that about her made Claire’s heart break all over again.
    Each day got lonelier and lonelier for her. Many of the friends she had before acted like she was a leper since hearing Elise spin the tale of her sordid love affair. She didn’t know how much lower she could get.
    She picked up her cell phone and stared at it for several minutes, before performing what was becoming a daily ritual. She called up Carter’s contact in her phone, and her finger hovered over the call button. Would she follow through? She didn’t know. Until now, she had chickened out each and every time. For as much as Claire wanted to hear his voice, she was afraid of what he might say to her.
    Calling on courage she didn’t feel she allowed her thumb to lower and press the button. The touch was too light and the phone did nothing. She sighed in relief and set it down.
    A half hour later she picked her phone back up and went through the motions again. This time the call activated and she almost hung up. She couldn’t believe she had actually called him. The phone rang several times before he picked up. At first, she thought it might be voicemail, but then she realized he had said her name.
    “Carter?” She whispered into the phone, unable to speak any louder.
    “Is everything okay?” He asked and worry was evident in his voice.
    “Yes… I mean no. I can’t do this, Carter. I’m miserable here. The only person that talks to me is my new roommate and she is practically a hermit. I miss you. I miss being with you. I miss the sound of your voice.” Her voice broke at the end, and she cursed herself for being so overly sensitive.
    “God, Claire. I am so so sorry, baby. This isn’t what I wanted for you at all. I’m sorry that I can’t give you more. I regret what happened more than anything. But I have to focus on repairing my relationship with Elise. That’s my priority.”
    “What about me?” She said so low he barely heard her. Carter felt pain in his chest at how small she sounded. If he could go back and do things over again, he would have saved her from the humiliation and sadness she had to endure the last few months. And he would definitely save her from the heartache he caused her.
    “I’m sorry. You are one of the most beautiful and special women I’ve ever known. I just can’t say sorry enough.”
    Claire heard voices in the background and what could have been Carter’s hand muffle the phone. “Look, Claire. I have to go. I’m on location. I don’t think we should speak anymore. I know that isn’t what you want to hear, but I think it will be best for all of us. Take care of yourself.”
    The phone disconnected and Claire dropped to her bed, sobbing hysterically.
    * * *
    Claire walked across campus, pulling her coat closer to her body. Brisk fall air had settled over campus along with gusts of wind that could chill you to the bone. It was a downfall of being in such an open area.
    She vaguely heard her name being called, but kept her head down in an attempt to avoid whomever it was. Most people on campus knew about what had happened that summer, and they all made comments about it. She just wanted to be left alone.
    “Claire!” The voice shouted again, and

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