The Avengers Assemble

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Book: The Avengers Assemble by Thomas Macri Read Free Book Online
Authors: Thomas Macri
Tags: Marvel Junior Novel (eBook)
    â€œI’ve got to think about it.”
    â€œRead on,” Fury replied flatly.
    Tony again picked up the file. “‘ Tony Stark: Not … Not ?… Recommended ’?”
    Colonel Fury leaned back in his chair and raised an eyebrow at Tony.
    â€œThat doesn’t make any sense,” Tony protested. “How can you approve me , but not approve me? I’ve got a new ticker; I’m trying to do right by Pepper; I’m in a stable-ish relationship…”
    â€œWhich leads us to believe that at this juncture we’d only like to use you as a consultant,” Fury explained.
    Tony looked a little bit bummed. He nodded, then stood up and extended his hand to Fury. Fury took it, and as they shook Tony smiled and said to him, “You can’t afford me.”

    AGENT COULSON WAS hard at work dealing with the situation in New Mexico. He had spent the previous night interrogating the powerful man who had broken into the complex where the hammer that had fallen to Earth was being held. Coulson had pressed him on where he came from and how it was that he found himself in a S.H.I.E.L.D. facility. The man was clearly highly trained, and Coulson wanted to know where he received that training. Pakistan? Chechnya? Afghanistan?
    The man remained silent. Coulson was going to find out who this mercenary was and what he wanted. He spent the whole night trying, though, and had gotten nothing.
    Now, he’d received a call that someone had arrived with information.
    * * *
    â€œHis name’s Donald Blake?” Coulson asked skeptically, as he met Dr. Selvig at the heavily armed entrance to the site.
    â€œ Dr . Donald Blake,” Selvig replied.
    â€œYou have dangerous coworkers, Dr. Selvig.”
    â€œHe was destroyed when he found out you’d taken all of our research. That was years of his life. Gone. I can understand how a man might go off like that. The big face of an organization like yours coming in with jack-booted thugs…Well, that’s how he put it anyway.”
    â€œThat still doesn’t explain how he managed to tear through our security.”
    â€œSteroids!” Erik lied, but he said it as if it were the most obvious explanation in the world.
    After engaging Dr. Coulson some more, Dr. Selvig was allowed in to collect the detainee.
    â€œDonnie, Donnie, Donnie, there you are. Gonna be all right. I’m taking you home now!”
    Thor and Erik walked silently from the camp. As they departed, Thor managed to swipe Jane’s notebook from an agent, completely unnoticed.
    It seemed they were free and clear.

    THE FOLLOWING morning, Thor received a visit from four heavily armored friends who erased any lingering doubt in Erik’s, Jane’s, and Darcy’s minds that Thor truly was from Asgard. Thor’s closest companions, Lady Sif and the Warriors Three—Hogun, Volstagg, and Fandral—had arrived via the Bifrost. Their spectacular Asgardian battle armor attracted the notice of everyone in the town, including a duo of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents that Coulson had sent to shadow Thor and Selvig after he let Thor go.
    Thor embraced his longtime companions, overjoyed to see their familiar, brave faces.
    â€œOh, my friends!” he shouted. “This is good! This is good! My friends, I have never been happier to see anyone. But you should not have come.”
    â€œWe have come to take you home,” Fandral said.
    â€œYou know I can’t go home. My father is dead because of me and I must remain in exile.”
    Lady Sif shook her head. “Thor, your father still lives.”
    Thor looked stunned.
    Before anyone else could respond, a funnel formed in the otherwise-cloudless desert sky, and with it a whipping sandstorm that shook cars and cut anything in its path appeared as if from nowhere—just as Thor had when he first arrived on Earth.
    â€œWas somebody else coming?” Darcy asked, not

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