Sweet on You (The Bridesmaids Club Book 4)

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Book: Sweet on You (The Bridesmaids Club Book 4) by Leeanna Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leeanna Morgan
Tags: Family, Contemporary Romance, Montana, Christian, Inspirational, Weddings, Bridesmaids, Relationships, ranch, clean, sweet, Brides
    Molly waited, but not quietly. “Your eyes are a pretty shade of green, just like your lake.”
    Jacob closed his eyes. It was hard enough sitting beside her, holding her hand, without hearing sweet nothings whispered in his ear. Well, not exactly in his ear. Molly wasn’t anywhere near his face, but she might as well have been. Butterflies were jumping along his…he sucked in a deep breath and opened his eyes.
    “What did you do?” His voice was a husky rumble of noise filling the kitchen with surprise.
    Molly smiled at him. “Showing you the difference between what something looks like and what it feels like. Close your eyes and I’ll do it again.”
    Jacob wasn’t the least bit interested in having his hand caressed again. Goose bumps had shot along his spine, igniting a need that burned brighter than the sun. He moved his arm away from her. “I get the idea.”
    “You do?”
    He nodded and cleared his throat. “What would you suggest for the feel of the images?”
    Molly looked at him suspiciously. “I’ve got an idea that you’re leading me on a merry chase, Jacob Green. Are you truly interested in my opinion or trying to wiggle out of telling me yours?”
    Jacob wasn’t the least bit confused about what he was interested in. He was heading toward the wiggle option at a hundred miles an hour. He crossed his arms in front of his chest. “I’m interested in your opinion.”
    “I’ll believe you this time, but only because my granny told me it was impolite to bite the hand that feeds you.”
    Another surge of heat joined the first. He was about to say something that would have gotten him into trouble, when his dad walked into the kitchen.
    “How’s the contract negotiations going?” The humor in his dad’s eyes made Jacob realize just how strange this whole deal must seem to his family.
    “Your son is doing a grand job of showing me how logical he is. We have fifteen lovely clauses with enough sub-clauses to put your Declaration of Independence to shame.”
    Jacob’s dad grinned. “Is that so?”
    “Would you be wanting a nice hot cup of tea, Mr. Green?”
    “Not at the moment, Molly, but thank you for asking. I came to see if Jacob wanted to stay the night and go for a ride in the morning.”
    Jacob forgot about the contract with Molly and looked closely at his dad. “Are you feeling all right?”
    His dad reached across the table and took one of the cookies his mom had left on a plate. “I’m as strong as an ox. Alex is heading over to the Gallatin River for a little fishing. I thought you might want to come?”
    “What time are you leaving?”
    “No later than seven o’clock.”
    Jacob needed to be in town tomorrow afternoon for Tess and Logan’s wedding. If he took his own truck, he’d be able to get a few hours of fishing in before he needed to leave. “Sounds good to me.”
    “What about you, Molly? Have you ever been fly fishing?” Jacob’s dad looked expectantly at Molly.
    She shook her head. “It’s not a sport I’ve ever tried. I’m helping Tess with her wedding tomorrow, so I won’t be able to join you. It will be makeup and curling irons for me.”
    Jacob’s dad nodded thoughtfully. “Next time, then. Wish Tess and Logan all the best from Kristina and I.”
    “I will, Mr. Green.”
    “You can call me Jim, if you’d like to, Molly?”
    She shook her head. “It wouldn’t seem right, but thank you all the same.”
    His dad looked at them. Jacob didn’t like the assessing look on his father’s face or the way his eyes crinkled at the corners when he thought his son wasn’t watching him. His dad was putting two and two together, and coming up with ten.
    He stared silently at his dad, hoping he’d get the telepathic hint he was sending him and leave the kitchen. Jacob was sure they’d forgotten something in their contract. He glanced down at the paperwork and tried to work out what it could be. But his brain had stopped functioning when Molly said she

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