Summer's Night

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Book: Summer's Night by Cheyenne Meadows Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheyenne Meadows
Tags: action crime erotic romance
need to find her. You see, it's her ex-husband. He's on his deathbed and is asking for her. He wants to make amends before he passes."
    She hesitated a moment longer before apparently making a decision. "She moved in with her son. They live in Crossroads."
    "Thank you. I know she'll appreciate your assistance."
    The woman shut the door as he spun and returned to his car. Crossroads. Luckily, it wasn't far and this time there would be no surprises. He would ensure it.

Chapter 11

    A loud clang drew Summer's attention, almost like someone knocked something off a dresser in one of the bedrooms. Her gaze met Mrs Kensington's, wide open with surprise. "What was that?" Summer had arrived early that morning to start therapy as they were extending their session to include more walking and stairs.
    The older woman shook her head. "I don't know."
    "No. He's away this morning on business. It's just us."
    Summer's heart picked up its pace, her breathing escalated as a tremor of fear sliced through her body. With no reasonable excuse for what they heard, she worried it meant trouble. Big trouble.
    Setting the walker in front of her patient, Summer leaned over the sitting woman, patting her knee. "I'll just go check it out."
    "I'm not sure. Maybe you should stay here." Worry laced Mrs Kensington's tone.
    "Do what she says."
    Summer stood upright, searching for the source of the hard male voice. A moment later she spied him, a lanky, blond man, just a few inches taller than her. Dark brown eyes wavered and shifted skittishly, as if he struggled with maintaining a firm setting on reality. Combined with his pinched face, thin lips, narrow nose, and jerky movements, his entire body shouted desperate and unbalanced.
    Mrs Kensington gasped, her hands shaking as she clutched her chest. "Get out of here."
    The man stalked forward slowly. "Not until I get what I want."
    Summer stood still, sizing the man up, attempting to kick her mulish brain into gear. "What is it you want?"
    "Your husband said he gave you jewelry and other gifts, valuable ones. A gold nugget and diamond necklace among other things. Give me those and no one will get hurt." He pulled a gun from behind his back, leveling it at the two women, backing up his menacing threat. "Stupid drunk told me all about you and your riches at the bar. Your loss. My gain."
    "But… I…" Mrs Kensington stammered, panic written on her face.
    "Tell me where they are!" He stepped closer, growling at the sitting woman.
    "I don't know!" Tears began to form in the older woman's eyes.
    "What do you mean, you don't know?" His attention flicked to Summer for a moment before snapping back.
    Summer furiously scanned the room, searching for a distraction, a weapon, anything to defuse the intensifying situation. Finding nothing, she stuck by her patient's side, trying to offer as much support and protection as possible.
    "My son. He stored them somewhere. Safe deposit box or something. Didn't want to leave them around the house." She managed to get out between pants.
    "Take deep breaths, Mrs Kensington." Summer advised, concerned with the woman's physical distress. If she experienced a heart attack on the spot, things were going to get a lot worse.
    "Where?" He demanded, reaching out to grab her arm, giving it a hard shake.
    "I don't know!" Mrs Kensington covered her face as tears began to flow in earnest, great sobs wracking her small frame.
    The man cussed a blue streak, gesturing wildly in agitation.
    Summer leveled a glare at the man. Perhaps he would listen to reason. Anything was worth a try at the moment. "Stop it. She doesn't know and you're going to make her have a heart attack. If that happens, you won't get anything you came for."
    He calmed marginally, brows furrowed in apparent concentration. "Fine. I'll take her with me. She can call her son. He gets the goods and I'll return her."
    Summer gasped at this new plan. Breaking and entering, even robbery, seemed preferable to kidnapping. How

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