Star Force: Backdoor (SF53)

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Book: Star Force: Backdoor (SF53) by Anal Backdoor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anal Backdoor
have as large of a fleet as required to fight
the battles for them. The Humans and their less capable allies were fighting
two major enemies at the same time and playing for a defensive engagement while
creating a safe zone in which to continue building and advancing. In Cal-com’s
opinion it was a wise play, but they were outmatched heavily, with the only
reason they’d survived this long without being overrun is that their enemies
didn’t consider them to be as dangerous as the Elders indicated that they would
become in time.
    Ignorance had turned the tide of many wars before and
it had served the Humans well thus far, but as both the Skarron and Cajdital lightly
probed the Humans’ territory and discovered the level of resistance they could
offer their ignorance was diminishing and their military assets being deployed were
increasing. Soon, Cal-com feared, there would be too many enemies for the
Humans to handle, despite their skills.
    Without being able to directly protect them the Voku
commander had to assist them. He couldn’t win it with the few troops he had,
but he could do things to help them win…which is what this current mission was designed to do in that it would buy
them additional time to increase their defenses and further develop their technology.
    He only had 72 conglomerates at present to work with,
and he was bringing 43 of them with him now, given the importance of hitting
the Skarrons hard in order to diminish losses. The increase in fleet strength
on the scouting reports worried him, but not in the overall outcome. He didn’t
like the attrition that would ensure amongst his forces, so he spent many hours
reworking their battle plans and running sims… most of
which did not turn out favorable.
    Frustrated, he kept up the effort until it was time
that he needed to get in his daily workouts. He wanted to stay and work, but
training was the lifeblood of his race…something the Elders had taught them
long ago, and he wasn’t going to forsake their lessons out of eagerness or
worry. Mentally setting aside the task at hand he left the oracle and cleansed
his mind of naval concerns as he delved into a myriad of physical training
exercises, letting his muscle take priority and drive his purpose for a long
period of time.
    He returned to the oracle afterwards and found, as he
did most times, that his point of view had shifted as a result. Sometimes he
lost his previous insights, but this time was one in which a fresh perspective
was a welcome change. Reassessing nearly everything he had been trying to do in
simulations previously, he went an entirely different way then started pulling
back towards what he had originally planned.
    He hit the sweet spot somewhere in between…as far as sims were concerned. The real enemy was unpredictable, but
the Voku had had enough experience fighting them on the border of their own
territory to program a computer enemy that mimicked their fighting styles
adequately. Still, there was no way to know for sure what would happen when
battle actually commenced aside from wading into it and working the problems as
they arose.
    Cal-com finished his simulations for the cycle and
retreated to another section of the massive ship where he dealt with his
subordinates and the maintenance of the vessels and the troops they contained.
Such detail work was necessary and he never felt comfortable letting others
handle such things, for they could make or break a campaign…and with the Elders
specifically requesting they assist the Humans the importance of this campaign
could not be overstated.
    After that work was done it was time for nourishment
and additional training, with him spending time in both physical activities and
in simulator work…not the speculative assaults he’d been planning, but in
combat games with other members of the crew designed to keep their skills sharp
during the long down times in between planetside activity. Cal-com often
piloted one of their Stranom mechs

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