Silver Stake (The Werewolf Hunter Chronicles Book 1)

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Book: Silver Stake (The Werewolf Hunter Chronicles Book 1) by M.D. Bowden Read Free Book Online
Authors: M.D. Bowden
Cole’s house.  When the door swung open and Ollie walked in, followed by Maya, she looked up.  Ollie looked tired and depressed.
    “Did you find Lewis and Will?” she asked.
    “One of them,” he said.
    Kate sat up straight.  “Wh-who? A-and, umm, where?” she said, glancing hopefully behind them.
    Maya shook her head and tears burned in her eyes.  She glanced at Ollie, but his face was blank.  She walked up to Kate and sat down.  “I’m sorry Kate.  We found Lewis, but, he—I couldn’t save him.”
    Kate was full of concern, and worry, but she had expected the worst.  “I’m glad you two weren’t hurt,” she said.
    Ollie walked to the fire, and Maya sighed, slumping back next to Kate.
    “Tell me what happened,” said Kate.
    Maya gave her the details, but left out the bit about suspecting Lewis was helping the werewolves.  Kate’s eyes were wide throughout the story.
    “I hate werewolves,” said Ollie.  “The entire species should be exterminated.”
    Cole walked in the room.  He’d been standing in the doorway listening.  “Did you find the whereabouts of The Lord Alpha?” he asked.
    Maya shook her head.  “The thing was, it may have been further up that passage, but I couldn’t risk it.  I just knew that if I continued on that Ollie would end up dead.  Or worse.  Those things were snap happy.”
    “Kate has been helping to do some research and we’ve found out more about the sacrifice.”
    “Please say you found a way to stop it?” Maya said.
    “Well, yes and no,” said Cole.
    Mr Cole took a seat and lifted a large book on to his lap, then started flipping pages.  He found what he was looking for, then, his face serious, he looked directly at Maya.
    “What we have found out is,” said Cole, “that the sacrifice is to break the spell that binds The Lord Alpha to his burial place, a tomb … whose location we have discovered to be St. Michael’s church, an old ruin if I am correct, deep in the old cemetery you have just returned from.”
    “Great, and you couldn’t have worked that out a little earlier…” Maya said.
    “And the usual attire for a sacrifice is black cloaks,” said Kate.
    “Therefore,” said Cole, “to insure that The Lord Alpha does not rise I suggest we all wear these cloaks—” Kate holds up a bundle of black cloth “—take as many supplies as we can muster—”
    “Hang on,” said Maya, “this may not be the best idea.  You would all be putting yourselves in danger.”
    “I want to do it,” said Ollie.  “We may not have managed to save Lewis, but damned as hell we will save Will.”
    “Too right,” said Kate.  “I don’t fancy putting myself in danger much, but I don’t want to wait around here not helping either, and from the sounds of it, if this Lord Alpha really is freed, then we may as well be dead anyway.  I might as well try and stop this.”

    The sun hovered above the horizon, cloaking the city in shadow.  In her room Maya rummaged through her cupboard, searching for her spare silver stake.
    Maya closed the cupboard door and standing behind it was her mum.
    “Mum, you scared me!”
    “What are you up to?  Haven’t seen you around all day…”
    Shite, thought Maya, there’s no time to get into the how and why of all of this…
    “Just going out.  Meeting Ollie and Kate, a couple from college.”
    “Is everything OK?  You seem kind of hurried,” her mum said.
    “Yep, totally fine, just going to be late is all…” Hint, hint, please take the hint mum, Maya added silently.
    “If you’re sure…  You know, you can still talk to us about anything, even if it’s not werewolves that are troubling you.  You know we’re always here for you.”
    “Muuum, thank you very much, but I know .  And I love you very much, but I’ve got to get ready now!”
    She put her hands up in defeat, and grinned, then kissed Maya on the cheek and left

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