Safe in His Arms

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Book: Safe in His Arms by Vicki Lewis Thompson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vicki Lewis Thompson
I’ll settle for what you just said. Did you hear yourself?”
    “I can’t take a chance on something going wrong.”
    “Not that. The last part. You said she loves it there.”
    “Yeah, she does. Her face lights up when she arrives, and she’s really bonded with Rocket Fuel and Saucy Lady. I’m afraid she’s attached to Bubba, too, but she understands about him. I’m hoping that soon I can get her up on Rocket Fuel and we can go for a ride. Not a long one, just a short little ride, to get her used to—”
    “Adam, you’ve found a woman who loves your ranch. Why in God’s name are you going to cancel your evening with her?”
    “She loves the
, William. But the
, who would be yours truly, could end up being a huge disappointment to her. If I avoid that by backing off, then she can continue to enjoy the ranch she loves. Do you see what I’m saying?”
    Will shook his head. “It must be hell to be you. Listen, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you’re screwed. If you cancel tonight, she’ll be pissed, and you’ll lose her. If you mess up tonight, she’ll be pissed, and you’ll lose her. So your best option is to head on over there and do your damnedest not to mess up.”
    “You’re just a basket of rainbows and butterflies, Will.”
    His buddy smiled. “That’s what they tell me. Now get on your horse and ride over to Valerie’s place.”
    “Right.” Adam threw some money down on the table because it was his turn to pay. “If this doesn’t work out, you owe me free counseling.”
    “It’s always free, Adam.”
    He left the bar and prayed that he wouldn’t end up sitting in Will’s office next week, pouring out his troubles.

    What had she been thinking? Valerie had arrived back at her apartment at five forty-five after a mad dash to the grocery store. Adam would be at her door in forty-five minutes. She was about to risk having a man in her apartment again. More than that, she’d given him plenty of reason to believe they’d have sex.
    Earlier she’d thought it was a fabulous idea. Now she realized that having sex involved giving up control, at least if you planned to do it right. For the past several months she’d been all about keeping things under control.
    But she trusted Adam. He’d guided her through the process of learning to be comfortable with his horse, Rocket Fuel. He’d taken her successfully through her first elevator ride in months, and he’d protected her from suffering in a crowded elevator, which could easily have sent her into a panic.
    She’d been fantasizing about him for three weeks, and their kiss during the second elevator ride had been hot enough to melt the buttons on the control panel. Inviting him to her place so they could explore this attraction on a deeper level was an obvious next move. Except she was having some of those pesky second thoughts.
    Sometime this afternoon, when the glow from the elevator kiss had worn off, she’d started thinking about the fact that he wasn’t just any cowboy. As they worked with the horses at his ranch, that was how she tended to view him, probably because she wasn’t intimidated by a guy who wore faded jeans and scuffed boots. But he was also a billionaire.
    This afternoon, Valerie had tried to convince herself it wasn’t important. Adam shouldn’t care what her apartment looked like or whether she’d cooked a gourmet meal. And he wouldn’t, if he was the kind of man she thought he was, the kind she could get serious about. But they’d always met on his turf.
    Correction: They’d always met in his barn. The barn was functional, not fancy. On her first visit to the Triple Bar, she’d paid attention to the obvious display of wealth in the pristine pastures and the elegant two-story house on the hill. After that, none of it had mattered because she’d focused on Adam and the horses.
    But ignoring his wealth, especially if she envisioned a possible future with him, would be naive. Tonight

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