Rough and Ready [Men for Hire 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Book: Rough and Ready [Men for Hire 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Jane Jamison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jane Jamison
Tags: Romance
earlier. “I can see it now.” He felt a little foolish as he finally took Avery’s hand and shook it.
    But Alex wasn’t letting him off the hook. “Who did you think he was, Kane?”
    “I didn’t know at first.” He centered his attention on her brother. “So what brings you to town? Business? Or are you checking up on your sister?”
    Avery gave him a good, solid handshake then slung his arm around Alex. “Both. I wanted to see how my favorite sister—”
    “His only sister,” added Alex. “I’m his half sister.”
    “—is doing. Plus, I’m looking for work. I was hoping to help with the cleanup after the recent tornado.”
    Why did Alex seem so stiff in her brother’s embrace? “I think most of the cleanup work is finished. It wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been.”
    “Well, that’s a shame.” Avery laughed. “About the work, I mean.”
    “Say, Kane, do you think maybe there’s work for Avery out at Second Chance Ranch? Not as one of the organization, but maybe as a ranch hand? He’s dying to get his hands dirty.”
    Kane caught the quick exchange brother and sister shared, but didn’t push finding out what it meant. Although he wished Alex hadn’t mentioned Cowboys for Hire, he supposed Avery would find out sooner or later. They tried to keep the work they did quiet, but at the same time, it was difficult to hide themselves and make themselves accessible to the women who needed their help. “Yeah, maybe. I could give Gabriel a call and see.”
    Avery appeared to recover from his initial dislike of what Alex had said about getting his hands dirty. “That’d be great. Thanks.”
    “He’ll take any job, no matter how menial. Isn’t that right, brother dear?”
    She was playing her brother, no doubt about it. Kane noticed Avery’s grip tighten on her shoulder.
    “Sure, sure. Anything.”
    His grip had been solid, but he hadn’t felt any callouses. Kane was sure Avery hadn’t come within a mile of hard, back-breaking work. And he was extra sure that Alex wanted him to.
    “Okay, well, that’s settled. I’ll call Gabriel and make it happen. Show up tomorrow morning at the main house. Miss Daisy can give you directions to the ranch.”
    Kane turned to her, dismissing her brother. “How about you and I”—he left Avery out of it on purpose—“get going to the barbecue. I’m sure your brother would rather rest up. After all, if I have anything to say about it, he’ll need all the energy he can muster to run cattle and muck out the stalls.”
    Did the man just go pale?
    Kane kept the chuckle he felt from escaping. Instead, he sent Alex a wink, took her hand, and led her to the truck. Avery was still standing in the same spot when he pulled the truck out of the driveway and back toward town.
    “Are you really going to try and get him a job?”
    Kane glanced at Alex then back on the road. “If you really want me to. Gabriel will take him on if I ask. So, do you have any other brothers?”
    “No, thank goodness.” She sighed. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it that way. It’s just that Avery isn’t the most reliable person in the world. Now that you know that, please don’t feel obligated to find him work.”
    “It’s not a problem. Gabriel was complaining about being short-handed on the ranch, anyway. I’m sure he’ll say yes to adding your brother. Just make sure Avery shows up tomorrow morning an hour or so before sunrise. We’ll see what kind of stuff he’s made of.”
    “Before sunrise? Holy hell, that’ll send him packing for sure.” Her laughter rang out.
    He stole a quick glance at her. There wasn’t much he wouldn’t do to hear her laugh again.
    “Is that what you really want? Do you want me to get rid of him for you?” He hadn’t meant his offer to sound so ominous, like a hit man talking about a contract on Avery’s life.
    “No. Let’s give him a chance.”
    “Yeah, everyone deserves a chance.”
    “Trust me. He’s had more than his fair share of

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