Revolutionary (The Athena Lee Chronicles Book 4)
myself. I can’t trust a lowly engineering Third to tell me the whole truth now can I?” He seemed to enjoy talking down to me.
    “I am aware that you have extra duties with the scientific division, but I am changing those orders as per regulations. You will complete every assignment that I give you before reporting ashore. Is that understood Lieutenant?”
    “Yes sir. I understand.”
    “Good. Now I see in the logs that you took it upon yourself to illegally modify MY ship. That will stop right now! You and these jumped up ‘midshipmen’ will start returning this ship to factory and navy specs today.”
    “But sir, the captain ordered us to alter the ship.”
    “Per regulations the Captain,” he paused and scowling, “cannot change the structure of a naval vessel without orders from HQ. I see no such orders. I looked over your supposed bulkhead improvements? Poppycock! Fix it right now. Dismissed.” He tuned away and entered the office slamming the door.
    I bowed my head. All that work. Frakk it! “Wilson? Do me a favor and send that conversation to the Captain.” I turned and looked at MY crew. “OK lets get moving. Regardless of what he thinks I need a team to go do a complete teardown of the communications system. Clean it out and upgrade when possible. Also, take your time doing it. Ellery, why don’t you and your group take care of that. Jacobs and I will start on the bulkheads.”
    We had barely begun when the orders changed. Commander Hadley had called the Captain and had his head handed to him. HQ had approved the upgrade, per regulations.
    Sector Governor Samuele Norton was not a happy man. These hicks needed to be taught a lesson. This bunch of farmers needed to be shown that he was the man in charge. That he made the rules now. Damn it! “Cole! Cole, where the hell is that man. COLE!”
    A short dumpy man came running into his office. “Yes Governor? Did you call me?”
    “Finally. What is the status? Did we get everything locked down?” Like a thundercloud the Governor loomed over his aide.
    His hands shaking slightly, Cole brought up his tablet. “The news agencies are now under our control. A couple of the reporters were shot as they tried to escape but everyone else is under house arrest or locked up. All communications except for official Navy ones are locked out and shut down. The navy is routed through us so we can monitor them. ESS has the rest of the station secured.”
    Nodding his head the governor smiled. “Who cares about the newsies, they should have followed orders. What about the Navy? How many ships do we have?”
    “There are three here at the moment. Two are in dry dock locked down and the third is on patrol in the sector. The Panay is under navy control but the XO is one of our people so just say the word. We have 3 squadrons of fighters on board the station. Only one is under direct Navy control. The others are mercenaries that we managed to hire under the reenforcement clause.”
    “Good, good. Those two ships in dry dock, can we use them? We may have to take out most of the planets civilian structure and start over. Kinetic strikes are easier with warships.”
    Cole jumped a bit at the words kinetic strike. He hoped it would not come to that, he had a lot of money tied up on the planet. “The EOM Laffey is a Sumner class destroyer it is getting a drive replaced. It will be a minimum of two weeks before it is able to fly. It’s captain is one of ours. The EOM James Cook is in port getting some exterior battle damage repaired. We have only been able to replace the Chief Engineer no one else on the command staff. It is a tight-nit ship.”
    “Find out everything you can about that ship. We need to get our people in there and in control.”

Chapter 8
    The response to Governor Stoner’s recall of the Militia auxiliary was phenomenal. Many more

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