Raising a Cowgirl

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Book: Raising a Cowgirl by Jana Leigh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jana Leigh
Tags: 9781301619559
were walking into a trap, or worse , who ever the fuck killed Marie had already found Sammi.
    David did the same, making a point of walking slowly to the front of the hotel. His phone received an incoming text. David held up the phone to Gage and nodded. The plane they needed to be on left in
     an hour. They needed to move.
    With deliberation, Gage walked into the lobby and pointed to the house phone. Briskly he called the
     room number where Jolie Trime was staying and waited. The lobby was empty but for the front desk clerk who was doing busy work. David asked for the house phone and he was directed
     to the other side with a smile.
    “Hello?” t he woman answered and sounded frightened. Something in his gut tightened as he thought of her being afraid
     and leaving her behind. No, they were not leaving her.
    “Lobby, f l ight leaves in an hour , ” Gage said quietly.
    “On my way . Elevator one , ” s he replied and he heard Sammi make a noise and he grimaced.
    David and Gage stalked to the elevators and waited, sweeping the lobby with their
     eyes and narrowing a little when they saw four men enter and walk to the front desk.
     Gage nodded in the men’s direction and David walked slowly to the si de of the desk, he picked up a brochure and turned so his back w as to the men, but he could still hear.
    “Hi, my wife checked in here two days ago. She said to get a key at the front desk when we arrived , ” t he man said smoothly with some sort of accent that David could not place.
    “Of course, her name?” t he desk clerk said.
    “Jolie … Jolie Trime.” The man smiled.
    The clerk nodded and frowned at the screen. “I am sorry, she has no husband listed.”
    “No worries just let me call her and she can tell you , ” t he man said smoothly and picked up his phone.
    David walked away and whispered to Gage as he passed, “Jolie.”
    “Fuck,” Gage swore and looked around the lobby . They were alone, no weapons, no back up, and nowhere to go but out the front door past the front desk.
    “Darling,” t he man crooned loudly into his phone and said , “You forgot to tell the front desk about my arrival. Can you speak to him?” He nodded and smiled before handing the phone to the desk clerk.
    At the same time, the elevator dinged , Gage and David eyes snapped to the door. A tall brunette, gorgeously lithe and innocently looking exited the
     elevator, with Sammi in her arms — not talking on a phone.
    Gage had a moment before the men would notice her and the baby. “Honey, over here!”
     he yelled and pointed ly looked Jolie in the eye, she looked startled and frowned. Shit, she had no idea.
    Ga ge pulled David slightly and both of them walked to where she was standing with a
     baby bag, a purse, and a gym bag. Before she could even protest , Gage swept her into his arms removing Sammi and handing her to David who quickly
     too k her and walked to the front and out the door before the other men could react.
    Gage lowered his mo u th to the surprised lips and kissed her quickly before she said something. He felt
     the snap of electricity when their lips met and jerked. Leaning back, he looked at the gorgeous green eyes, and full lips of the woman who only stood a
     few inches shorter than he did . She looked confused and stunned , his eyes narrowed before whispering quietly , “Front desk, four men, walk with me quickly.”
    Jolie nodded and put her head down and followed, looking out of the side of her eye
     to see who had been looking for her. None of them looked familiar. Gage pulled her
     behind him and just as they reached the door , the front desk clerk said loudly.
    “Hey, that is Ms. Trime . W ho is this on the phone?” h e said confused , and Jolie gasped and lifted her head when the men turned quickly to follow the finger that was pointing in her direction.
    “Get them ! ” o ne of the men yelled and Gage ran.
    Jolie scrambled behind him as she heard what sound ed like a bunch of firecracker s

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