Kicking and Screaming

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Book: Kicking and Screaming by Jordan Silver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Silver
what she said." Though I couldn’t imagine what the other girl had said, it’s not like we had that many dealings with each other, the girl was way younger than I am. And so is this one Collins or did you forget?
    "Uh Collins, did you hit your head? I'll tell you if I want to, not because you demand it."
    "And she's back, so, anyplace in particular you want to go?" I found that being here alone with her like this, gave me a sense of peace that I haven’t felt in a long time, not since I became a man and went off into the world to make my own way.
    "No, just drive around for a bit, unless you need to hurry back to go to your dinner. I wouldn’t want you to miss out on all that admiration back there." Was that a hint of jealousy I heard in her voice?
    "I'm not in the habit of kissing one woman and then going out to dinner with another."
    I looked straight ahead as she turned to me. Her eyes burned a hole in the side of my head until I guess she got what she was looking for, whatever that may be.
    Had she ever had a beau? For some reason it seemed that she hadn’t which was strange for someone who looked like her, strange but good for me.
    I had the feeling that the man who finally possessed her, was going to be one lucky son of a bitch, and more and more it was looking like I wanted that man to be me.
    No, this weekend wasn’t turning out anything like I’d expected. For one thing, I hadn’t expected to have my heart tested in such short order.
    Looking over at her as we drove along, I could see it. I could see her next to me in life, a place I’d never envisioned anyone else ever.
    See, now I'm confused and I hate being confused about anything. I just can't for the life of me figure out why someone would make up such an abhorrent thing about someone else, and unless he was a very good actor, she'd told a whopper.
    Now I feel kinda foolish and I hate feeling like a fool. Things usually went very wrong when that happened.
    "What are you thinking about so hard over there, you're not plotting the demise of some poor unsuspecting soul are you, namely me?"
    "You're a riot." There wasn’t much steam in my retort and I’m sure he noticed. I needed time to process this new development, time to realign my thoughts, because if I’d been wrong then that meant...
    Don’t get ahead of yourself here Maxie one thing at a time. Just because you might’ve been wrong about one thing that didn’t mean that he was the right one for you.
    "So tell me, why not your name, why Le Dove?" I felt my shoulders tense up as soon as the words left his mouth. Some things I just did not speak of, especially not outside the family.
    "That's private."
    "You're full of secrets aren't you, that's fine, I'm the master of uncovering those."
    "If you stick your nose in my business I'll snap it off, why are we stopping?"
    The crazy man was unbuckling my seatbelt and drawing me over to him.
    "What're you...?" I barely got those few words out before he was stopping me again.
    "From now on, every time you threaten or swear, I'm gonna kiss you breathless."
    Oh lord not another one of those, I barley survived the first one. If he keeps this up, I'll end up telling him everything.
    Too late, his mouth covered mine and I went under. If I found out that Sophia Ambrose had lied to me two years ago, I am going to be so pissed.

Chapter 18
    I had to stop myself from going too far; this girl had her own brand of...something and it’s very potent.
    One minute she's sniping at me, and the next we're sharing the sweetest kisses. I wonder if she realized what she gave away in those kisses.
    No one kissed with that much passion without there being something there. I just needed to get to the bottom of the mystery and the sooner the better.
    I nibbled my way around her lips because I found it next to impossible to let her go just yet.
    She was pliant and sweet as her weight rested against my chest, her little mouth red and

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