I'd Rather Be Single 2

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Book: I'd Rather Be Single 2 by LaShonda DeVaughn Read Free Book Online
Authors: LaShonda DeVaughn
together. Mmm, looks like he wants to floss his boo around the city.”
    I was blushing my ass off. He was really going hard, trying to keep me in his corner. It was a struggle to fight through my trust issues, but I decided, fuck it. For now, I’d put it behind me. I texted him, and agreed to step out with him later. I was giving this thing another try.


    I had the time of my life hanging out with Courtney. We danced all night, held hands in the club, and even kissed. He made it a point to floss me around so that everyone knew that we were together. He kept my cup filled with Ace of Spades, and I was on one! Officially tipsy as shit!
    I struggled the next morning at work. I bought a latte from Dunkin Donuts and tried to force my eyes to stay open. For the better part of the morning, Dalia was bragging about being on the phone with Seary all night, and how he wanted to take her shopping over the weekend. Her face lit up every time she spoke his name. I was concerned with how deep she was falling, so quickly, but then again she told me that she’s always been that way. She wore her heart on her sleeve and I didn't want it to be her downfall.
    We heard Dr. Raphael's heels clicking toward us , so we pretended to be busy.
    “Ladies can you turn on the television ? We can hear your conversation from the back.” She spoke snidely, poking her big head out from the back wall.
    Dalia and I exchanged glances and rolled our eyes. We were so sick of that woman. She was like a damn warden. Dalia snatched the remote and flicked through the channels, stopping at the news.
    “Huuuu!! Look Tyra it’s Michael Slinks.”
    Hearing his name made my heart flutter. I took my head away from my computer, only to see my ex being interviewed, smiling from ear to ear as if he was happier than he had ever been. "Congratulations Mr. Slinks, we heard that you are getting married soon." The news reporter announced before placing the microphone to Michael’s face for a reply.
    My heart felt trapped inside my chest, and my mouth dropped. All I could focus on was his smile. He seemed so happy, like he was totally in love.
    "Yes, I'm getting married , and I actually just found out that my fiancé is pregnant."
    I snatched the remote out of Dalia’s hand, switched the channel , and then tossed it back in her lap. I stormed off to the bathroom to cry. Hearing this news was heartbreaking. Every time I thought I was over him, seeing him reminded me that I wasn’t. I was devastated over his engagement and new baby news. Maybe he was still the love of my life, because I was unsure as to why I was feeling this way. I couldn't understand what my heart was telling me. The thought of him having another woman pregnant and being excited about it was tormenting me. That was supposed to be our life together. I resented him all over again, for not being able to accept my past and deciding when it was too late to re-enter my life. I wiped my tears, and threw water over my face. I caught a glimpse of my sensitive image in the mirror. My eyes blinked as if they knew its thoughts and my tears continued to flow.
    “Get it together , Tyra.” I whispered to myself.
    When I returned to the front desk, I felt Dalia’s eyes on me. “You okay, T?”
    “I’m good . I just didn’t know that seeing that would make me feel like this.”
    "Tyra?" she asked.
    "What's up?" I spoke in the saddest monotone.
    “You still love him , huh?”
    Looking in her eyes, I felt mine welling up again, and I whispered, “I don’t know.”
    She left her chair to hug me. “Tyra, everything happens for a reason. If he is engaged with a baby on the way, then maybe that’s GOD’s way of telling you that you should move on with Courtney, and that the chapter with you and Michael has ended, so that you would be happier elsewhere.”
    “Maybe so.” I hunched my shoulders.
    Dr. Raphael’s hee ls were heard clicking again and Dalia dashed back to her seat.
    “I’m waiting for

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