Hell Yeah!: Man of My Heart (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Omega Team Book 5)

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Book: Hell Yeah!: Man of My Heart (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Omega Team Book 5) by Desiree Holt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Desiree Holt
herd of elephants.
    Jasmine wrapped her arms around his neck to balance herself and found herself staring into dark eyes that seemed to see right inside her. He cupped his palm to her head to hold it steady and pressed his mouth to hers. His lips were cool and firm, yet, at the contact, heat flooded her body. The tip of his tongue traced the closed seam of her mouth, and when he added pressure, she opened for him without thinking.
    And practically detonated right there. His tongue scorched the inside of her mouth, coaxing her own tongue to dance with his. Everything faded away, leaving only the two of them and a kiss that trumped any she had ever had in her life. It went on and on, stealing her breath and making her nipples harden and her pussy tingle. She held on for dear life as the world spun around her.
    Then, with the same suddenness, he broke the contact and lowered her to her feet. She stared at him through glazed eyes, trying to make her brain function again.
    “What is the right word.” He took two steps back, putting distance between them. “I’m sorry. That was a mistake”
    Jasmine licked her lips, the taste of him still lingering there as she struggled to get her breathing under control. “It didn’t feel like a mistake to me.”
    Shut up, Jasmine. You know it was a mistake. Wrong guy, wrong time.
    “Trust me, it is.” He had rearranged his features into his perfected expressionless mask again.
    “Listen,” he interrupted. “There is no but. I haven’t kissed anyone in more than a year, and this is not the place to start.” He took another step backward. “This can’t happen. We have a business arrangement requiring my entire focus. And the last thing I need in my life is some kind of entanglement here.”
    Caleb turned and walked down the short hallway leading to his bedroom. Jasmine stood there watching him, mouth open, pressing her fingertips to her lips. She could still feel the imprint of his mouth there, still inhale his familiar scent.
    Stupid, stupid, stupid.
    But there were no words to wipe away the voracious need he had awakened in her. Nor were there words to tell her how to deal with it. On unsteady legs, she walked into her bedroom and closed the door. She leaned against it for a moment, still trying to get her breath.
    Oh my god! Holy Hannah!
    Jasmine had kissed a lot of men in her life, and the kisses ranged from disgusting to yes, I want more . But none of them had the volcanic impact of Caleb’s kiss. She’d felt it clear to her toes and every other part of her body.
    It was more than a kiss.
    As soon as the thought hit, she wanted it gone. Aron had made sure to warn her Caleb Branam was a psychological wreck who had sworn off women so she didn’t have to worry about any improper actions on his part. She was safe.
    Not with a man whose kiss could melt her like his. Or unexpectedly touch her heart. One kiss! But in the two weeks they’d been together in this house, she’d discovered a few things that surprised her. As reserved and withdrawn as he seemed, she actually liked Caleb. She was comfortable sitting with him, even if they never exchanged a word, a comfort she’d seldom found with anyone else. She found herself looking forward to their morning coffee and the meals they shared.
    Maybe it was because her life was turned upside down, but she didn’t think so. She knew he blamed himself for the fiasco on his last assignment, but she was convinced whatever went wrong wasn’t his fault. She had the sense he covered all bases on everything he did. Sometimes things just got fucked up.
    And he’d downloaded some of her music! How cool was that?
    She regretted letting him pull away from her just now. She should have tugged him back and made him kiss her again and again until they couldn’t stop.
    She stripped off her clothes and tossed them into the small chair in the corner. Then she slid between the sheets naked, hoping the cool feel of

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