Fang Me

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Book: Fang Me by Parker Blue Read Free Book Online
Authors: Parker Blue
inside, hoping I'd find something I wouldn't have to cook.
    "Gwen left you some lasagna," Shade said."She wouldn't let anyone else touch it. Some garlic bread, too."
    "She's a goddess," I said with relief. Too bad garlic didn't really deter vampires. I found the covered plate and put it in the microwave, careful not to stretch my injured side too much.
    "You're not really going in to work for Alejandro today, are you?"
    "Sure. Why wouldn't I?" Shade might be my boyfriend, but he didn't dictate what I could and couldn't do. I'd had enough of that from my mother to last me a lifetime.
    "Oh, I don't know. Because you're stiff and still hurting, maybe?"
    Shade, sarcastic? That was a new one. I turned to look at him to gauge his expression. It didn't do any good, of course. The swirls seemed more agitated, if that meant anything."It's that accelerated healing of mine. I really do feel better. Besides, I'm not doing the Slayer thing tonight. Just going to look for the books."
    "With Trevor Jackson?"
    I didn't quite understand the tone of his voice."Yes, and whoever else Alejandro sends along." The microwave beeped and I took the food out. Maybe he didn't trust Trevor either."Did you meet him when he came to see Micah?"
    As I joined him at the small round table, Shade said,"No, but I heard about him."
    Again, the tone of his voice was sarcastic. Wanting to see his expression, I casually placed my hand on his arm. Because people rarely saw his face, Shade had never learned to hide his feelings. He was getting better at it with exposure to the Demon Underground, but it was still incredibly easy to read him. Right now, he looked hurt . . . and defensive.
    Whoa. Was he jealous? He had absolutely no reason to be. I took a bite of Gwen's fabulous lasagna then said casually,"So you heard he really likes himself . . . and Rosa?"
    I left my hand on his arm so I could gauge his emotions.
    He looked surprised then frowned."I heard he likes you, too."
    "He flirts with everyone. He has a very high opinion of himself and thinks everyone else should, too."
    Shade relaxed, moving his arm so his hand covered mine."And do you?"
    I shrugged."He hasn't shown me anything yet but a nice exterior." I grinned."But yours is prettier." I leaned over to kiss him. It seemed like the right time. More natural. Gee, maybe I'd get the hang of this dating thing soon after all. Lola's interest spiked, but I pulled away before she could do anything about it.
    Shade grimaced but it wasn't because of the kiss. He stroked my arm possessively, like he wasn't even aware he was doing it. Kinda nice."Guys aren't pretty," he protested.
    "Devastatingly handsome then," I teased. When he twisted his lips in protest, I added,"Oh, come on, you have to know you're gorgeous. I'm glad you're a shadow demon so other girls don't see the real you. Otherwise, I'd have to beat them off with a stake." I took a bite and grinned at him, wondering how he'd respond.
    He gave me a slow smile that had my blood sizzling and Lola wanting to play. He leaned forward and caressed my cheek."I thought you loved me for my mind . . . and my ability to please Lola."
    I swallowed and the lasagna went down hard. Oh, my. The"L" word. Love, not Lola. Had we really progressed that far . . . or was it just a figure of speech? Better assume the latter.
    Trying to act casual, I speared another bite and waved my fork airily."That, too," I said, trying to keep it light. But in reality, what I loved about Shade was his willingness to accept me totally as I was, without trying to change me. The eye candy was just a great bonus.
    His expression softened, looking almost sappy. It was nice to see how much he cared about me, but embarrassing, too. I felt my face warm and didn't know how to react, where to look. Plus, I didn't want him to see how much I cared about him. That would just make it harder to stay away from him. So, I pretended to be really interested in the food for awhile.
    I owed him the truth, though. I

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