Escape to Earth 1: Running From Fate
paper and placed it on the counter, “Can you cut four of them to match this?”
    Joe stared at the diagram and looked up at his daughter, “Where did you get this?”
    “I’ve been working on the right cut for a long time. A very long time.”
    Joe nodded as he stared at the drawing, “I found those years ago and your mother insisted that you should decide how they should be cut. After a moment he said, “The dimensions you’ve put on it, are they flexible?”
    Salud stared into his eyes and said, “No, they must be exactly as you see them.”
    Joe looked back at the drawing and shook his head, “It may take eight or ten of the diamonds to make four.”
    “I’d rather have four exactly like I want them, than twenty not done as I want.”
    Joe looked at the drawing again and looked up at Salud, “You’re so much like your mother.”
    She smiled and softly said, “I know.”
    Joe stared at the drawing again and said, “If I cut them like this…the light entering the stone will gather in the center before it’s reflected.”
    “That should make it really sparkle.”
    “It will also increase the brightness of the light exiting. How did you come up with this?”
    “I used one of the University Computers to help me.”
    “Would you mind if I cut some other stones like this?”
    “Only if you intend to give them all to me.”
    Joe laughed out loud, “Now you’re acting like my daughter.”
    “I’m so much like you, Dad. When can you have the first one ready?”
    “I can have two of them ready in three days.”
    “That would be wonderful. I’ll be back on Friday.” Joe kissed her again and Salud left the store and headed back to the lab.
    Lukas sat in his apartment with all the lights off. He focused on his vision and watched the street and hoped he was wrong. He stared at the doorbell on the house across the street until it filled his vision. It had a dark spot on the center where someone with dirty fingers pressed it. He looked back out at the street and closely examined every vehicle that passed. He thought about the Stalkers; how long would it take them to be fully operational to drop on a planet? The Sentinels had placed restrictions on the Stalkers that made it extremely difficult for them to enter a primitive civilization. He leaned back and wondered why they had issued those restrictions. His former Commander had suggested that it was for the best outcome for the members of the Fellowship. The more advanced a civilization was, the more value they had to the civilization that claimed them. The development of a star drive was the perfect time to invade because it didn’t allow a new civilization to build up a war fleet.
    He looked back out of the window and decided that was a good explanation…but not the real one. Those telepaths were too far beyond his understanding. Whatever reason they chose to issue the restrictions, no one in the Fellowship would understand it. He sat up straight in his chair. A car had come up the hill and pulled next to the curb across the street from Kathy’s house. He glanced at the clock above his fireplace and saw it was three in the morning. The time most humans were asleep and inactive. He forced his body to move into alpha rhythms and leaned back in the chair.
    He stared at the vehicle and saw the front and rear windows on the side closest to Kathy’s apartment roll down. He watched closely and saw the occupant in the backseat raise a device and point it at the upper level of the old house. The car moved back a few feet and stopped. He squinted and saw the driver’s face. It was narrow and moved down into a chin that was almost pointed. The eyes were deep set and he couldn’t see their color in the shadow. The device was pulled back in the car and the windows went back up. The car pulled away from the curb and passed by the front of his house. He looked carefully and saw four individuals in the car. The Stalkers were here.
    He guessed they underwent DNA

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