Demon Rock

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Book: Demon Rock by Stephen Derrian Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephen Derrian
would have imagined from such a creature. The words haunted me but they mirrored my thoughts at that exact moment.
    "Kill me." It whispered. "Kill me please."
    I looked down on the creature with pity and reached for a scalpel resting on a table beside the chair. The creature gave a nod of acknowledgement as I placed the scalpel against his neck. He closed his weeping eyes for the last time and I dug it deep and swift across his throat, severing his windpipe. Black blood oozed out and the creature was released. Just as I sliced across, a flash of my Holly's death jumped into my mind. The way Shadow had slit her throat like she was nothing but an obstacle. The flash was vivid and I dropped to my knee and wept as my own scalpel passed through the last piece of flesh and back into the air. I dropped the scalpel and myself to the floor. I was sitting with my knees up leaning against the chair, the black blood dripping down to the floor about two inches from me. The creature seized its breathing and remained perfectly still.
    I do not know how long had passed but I remembered I only had two hours since I left my cell before the guard would wake up. I wiped the tears from my eyes and composed myself. I stood up and covered the creature with the sheet once more. The sheet absorbed the black blood leaving several stains over the now still corpse. I surveyed the room; there were a number of medical instruments on a table beside the chair where I had lifted the scalpel from. On the far side of the room stood a fridge; not too dissimilar to the one in the medical room at the prison. To the right of the fridge was a filing cabinet. I walked towards the fridge in a number of strides and opened it. Inside there were racks and racks of blood samples, the samples that Dr Hammond takes from the inmates upon arrival to the island. I closed the fridge and went to the filing cabinet. There were three large drawers labelled ‘0-100’, ‘101 – 200’, and ‘201-300’. I opened the third drawer and found my file sixth from the front. I began to read the file, on the first page was my real name, my equivalent prisoner number, my date of birth, as well as my home address and place of work. I turned the page. The next several pages contained photos of me. The photos were of me at home, at work and getting the train. They had been spying on me for some time; they knew where I worked and where my wife and I lived when they came for me. I flicked over the page to the second last page of the file. The page had a recommendation letter signed by Dr Hammond.
    Subject: 207
    After preliminary examination of 207’s blood I can confirm the Warden’s suspicions. Due to 207’s ability to adapt and shift, it is likely that he would be the best candidate to receive the elite soldier serum. I hypothesize that his body would not reject the serum like patient zero and the combination of abilities would start to become evident within a number of days.
    We are ready to begin trials on 207 in a few days once supplies arrive on the next boat. This is just the beginning, once his DNA bonds with the serum; we will need to teach him how to control the abilities in order for it to be effective in combat situations. Once this is complete we can look at replicating his DNA in a new serum that any solider can take.
    Dr Hammond.   
    I was the asset? The Warden was looking for a shifter, no matter if I had committed any crimes or not. He wanted me here. This elite solider program is an attempt to combine the abilities of the inmates into a single weapon. Well the useful abilities anyway. Shifting in a combat situation would be the perfect ability, you could disguise yourself as the enemy, and they would never see an attack coming. Combine that with uninhibited vampire strength, some flame abilities and you have an unstoppable army capable of winning any war with minimal causalities.
    I removed the letter; perhaps back on the mainland there

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