Coalescence - SF3

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Book: Coalescence - SF3 by Susan X Meagher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan X Meagher
Tags: Romance, Lesbian
member of the O’Flaherty household mused, smirking to himself as he climbed the stairs.



Part 3
    Shortly after dawn on Monday morning, Ryan woke to the delightfully delicious sensation of being snuggled up behind Jamie in her own bed. Spooning up against her partner’s sleep-warmed back; she started to slowly stroke her thighs, not trying to wake her, but needing the contact. Jamie was a long way from consciousness, but she nestled up against Ryan in an automatic, and now familiar, instinct. Ryan felt so warm and happy that, after a few minutes, she let herself drift off to sleep again. She woke nearly an hour later to the sensation of gentle kisses being planted all over her face. She gave Jamie a broad smile as she stretched like a cat for several minutes. "When did you sneak down here?" Jamie whispered into her ear.
    "I never left," was the languid reply as Ryan stretched her arms over her head. "I was unable to move from your tempting embrace."
    "Ohh, that’s so cute," Jamie grinned. "You jumpstarted our honeymoon!"
    "Yeah, but honeymoons are much more fun when you’re both awake," Ryan replied with a smirk.
    "I couldn’t agree more. And speaking of honeymoons, are you ready to get up and go, or do you want to cuddle for a little while?"
    "I want to cuddle a lot, but I think I’d rather do it in Pebble Beach," Ryan said thoughtfully. "How about you? Are you ready to go?"
    "Yep. I can’t wait," she said, snuggling up against her warm partner.
    "We probably shouldn’t leave until ten or so, to avoid traffic. Would you mind if I do some laundry before we go? I just hate to leave all of those sweaty clothes lying in my suitcase for a week."
    Jamie sat up a little and gazed at her lover thoughtfully. "You know, that’s one of the things I love about you. I know how much you’re looking forward to this, but you still want to take the time to get organized and neaten up. You’re just so mature," she said, as she tickled her a little bit.
    "So, do you agree?"
    "Yeah, that’s probably a good idea. Let’s get some breakfast and I’ll wash out all of our bike clothes in the sink. You can start a load of underwear in the washer. Do you mind doing mine along with yours?"
    "I think it’s about time that our underwear got used to spending time together," Ryan said with a chuckle.
    Jamie threw on some sweats and they sorted their dirty clothes. They only had three loads, besides the bike clothes, and Ryan trotted upstairs to get started while Jamie made a phone call.
    When Jamie went upstairs, Ryan was hard at work making a huge breakfast. Conor had left for work already and Martin had eaten with him, so Ryan made oatmeal for just the two of them, and a big omelet with ham and cheese for herself. She was toasting a bagel and chatting with her father when Jamie appeared. "Did you sleep well, Jamie dear?" he asked brightly, as she gave him a kiss on the cheek.
    "I slept like a baby," she replied sincerely. "I don’t know if it’s the room or the bed, but I always sleep great down there."
    "Jamie, Da and I were just talking about our plans for the summer. I just finished telling him that we plan on staying at your house during the week and then coming back here on the weekends."
    "How do you feel about that, Martin?" Jamie asked.
    He let out a deep breath and looked down at his hands. "Do you want the unvarnished truth?" he finally asked.
    "Yes," they replied in unison.
    "I hate the thought of my baby leaving home," he said sadly. "I know it had to happen sooner or later, but it just doesn’t feel like home without you here, Siobhán. Conor and Duffy and I just bumped around here all week waiting for you to come back. We’re quite hopeless on our own, you know."
    Ryan walked over and put her arms around her father, hugging him soundly. "Oh, Da, I hate to leave you, too, but I feel that Jamie and I need some time alone. This is going to be quite an adjustment for both of us, and I think we need to just focus

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