Bound by Roses (The Bound Series Book 1)

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Book: Bound by Roses (The Bound Series Book 1) by Jonathan Lazar Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jonathan Lazar
books entailed. She only knew they were special to the Seven, and to whoever crafted them. All that Marguerite knew was from what the Seven told her. They contained stories. Marguerite let the thought slide, as she always did when it came to the books, for she knew there were things that were beyond her comprehension and level of understanding. Should the Seven wish to divulge the nature of the books, they would have.
    Around the pool stood the Seven, Marguerite’s personal advisors, and closest friends. From what was now, so very long ago. They stood half as tall as Marguerite and hooded in robes of fresh green moss. They were hooded but she knew they each stared at her intently. They watched her. They studied her. They always did. The Seven stood barefoot upon the grass and moss that encircled the room and inlaid stone pool.
    “Please forgive my absence as of late,” Marguerite stood before the Seven. The door closed behind her, just as it opened by itself, silent. She smiled to them, but eyes stared straight forward.
    “You have no reason to apologize, Marguerite,” one from directly across spoke to her honestly.
    “You are no longer the small one we rescued in the woods so many years ago,” another spoke, voice almost identical to the previous.
    The Seven took turns speaking, “Your duties in Ashok Orai, since Lord White’s passing, have kept you occupied.”
    “My father made it look easy,” Marguerite released a sad chuckle from her throat as she talked.
    “The weight your father carried upon his shoulders was immense,” another spoke, “It is understandable, that he shielded you from most of it until you were ready.”
    “But was I ready?” Marguerite asked eyes stared forward.
    “No one is ever ready for such responsibilities, but fate chose to put the weight upon your shoulders sooner than many would have hoped.”
    Marguerite was silent remembering her father. Her eyes finally broke the gaze of the back wall, and turned towards the churning pool. She watched the bubbles delicately dance upwards. It was calming.
    “What brings you to our Council today?” The Seven that stood nearest to her right spoke, hooded head turned. In the dim aqua light of the churning pool, Marguerite could see his eyes shimmer like diamonds. They sparkled bright.
    Marguerite breathed deep into her lungs the cedar wood and sage. Her heart raced terribly. She did not want to continue. Marguerite held her the cedar wood and sage in her lungs until they burned. She exhaled the words, “The House of Red has fallen.”
    The words hung heavily upon her ears. Her own voice echoed harshly the reality in the dimly lit room. Her heart broke upon hearing the words that she was forced to say. A tear fell and ran down her reddened face. It was ice against her flushed cheeks. She fell silent. Even her breaths were silent. Though the beating of her heart pounded loudly in her ears.
    The pool churned about constantly. Though the pools innate aqua coloration did not change, nor did the bubbles it create disturb it. The churning were drums against her throbbing, red-hot ears. Her breaths were equally as heavy. 
    “You have come seeking the cause?” The Seven opposite her spoke once more, his voice the deepest out of all the Seven. She did not respond, but merely slipped off her shoes.
    “Or is it a deeper query you are after?”
    “You know the cause, do you not, Marguerite?” The Seven standing opposite spoke again. The questions came one after another, as they always did. Marguerite knew this is how the Seven operated. Question after question to lead to at least one answer, or many.
    Bare foot touched the waters lip. The pool was cold, just as it always was. A shiver ran through her body. She closed her eyes, inhaled deep before opening them.
    “I know that Wolves have attacked the city,” removing her foot, Marguerite slipped the straps off her shoulders. She knew the price for their knowledge. To acquire true knowledge, such

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