Betrayed by Love

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Book: Betrayed by Love by Hailey Hogan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hailey Hogan
than her. His chin could rest on the top of her head comfortably. As he held her in his arms and they danced to several slow jams, he blocked out the other people on the dance floor.
    “I hate to end our dance, but I need to go to the ladies room,” Eva whined.
    He walked her off the dance floor. “I’ll wait right here,” he said, as he watched her walk away.
    He was entranced by watching Eva walk away, that Cheryl’s hand touching him startled him. “Dance with me. We need to talk.”
    “What about your fiancé?”
    “He’s somewhere mingling.”
    She led him on the dance floor. He made sure their bodies kept a safe distance from one another as they slow danced.
    “Don’t you think it’s time for you two to be making your exit?” Cheryl asked.
    “It was your bright idea for me to invite her.”
    “Well, I don’t want her here anymore.”
    “Too bad. You should have thought about it before.” Garth twirled her and then released her hand and walked away leaving her on the dance floor.
    She was oblivious to others and ran up behind him. He took a seat at the table and she plopped down in the chair next to him. “You didn’t tell me you two had something going on.”
    Garth leaned closer so no one else could over hear. “Look. What I do in my personal life is no concern of yours.”
    “I’m just saying.”
    “Batting your eyes won’t work with me.”
    “First Tre. Now you.”
    “Jealousy doesn’t become you.”
    Cheryl laughed. “Please. I have no reason to be jealous.”
    “Then act like it.”
    “So when were you going to tell me?”
    “You’re a joke.”
    “You owe me at least that.”
    “The day I decided not to tell Tre about your appetite for dessert on the side, that’s when our debt was paid in full.”
    “You can be so difficult,” she snapped.
    “Women like you made me the way I am.”
    A waiter came by the table and offered drinks. Garth took two. Handed one to Cheryl and kept one for himself. He toasted. “To the happy couple.” He clicked her glass. He drank his champagne as Cheryl looked on.
    “Might as well drink up. You’re supposed to be celebrating remember,” Garth stated.
    Cheryl placed the glass down. “I have other people to mingle with.”
    “Peace,” he said, as he held up his glass and watched her walk to another table.
    Eva paced the bathroom floor. Her emotions were on overload. Since Garth picked her up, she was spending too much time concentrating on Garth and not enough time on Trevor. That had to be it. That had to be why she was feeling the way she was feeling. She was getting wrapped up in her own scheme.
    She reapplied her lipstick before exiting the bathroom. Trevor was nearby talking to a group of people. She spoke to everyone and looped her arm through his. “I came to steal him away for a few mintues.”
    She got no complaints. Trevor removed her arm and followed her outside to the balcony. The cool wind sent a chill down her spine. “Nice party,” she said.
    He grabbed her by the arm and swung her around. “Stop with the games Eva.”
    “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She batted her eyes and faked her innocence.
    “The hell you don’t. You knew coming here would cause problems.”
    “I had no idea that your fiancé knew about me.”
    “Why wouldn’t she? We’ve been seen in just about every entertainment rag over the years.”
    “Well, we’re a thing of the past. At least that’s what your mouth says.” She used her hand and ran it down his chest.
    He grabbed her wrist. “Stop. This isn’t the time or place.” He looked around to make sure no one was coming through the doors.
    “Why Tre, I thought you liked living life on the edge.”
    “Stop it.”
    “I’m not doing anything,” she responded.
    “Oh and another thing. This little game with Garth is not going to work. I’m not jealous.”
    “This thing with Garth. It is what it is.”
    “And that is?” he asked.
    “It doesn’t concern

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