A Simple Proposition

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Book: A Simple Proposition by Jennifer O'Donnell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer O'Donnell
floating out there. Who knows, they could come back and bite us in the ass some time.”
    “What if we made a dirty movie and I showed someone in person?” Steve said. “Like holding my phone. So he couldn’t keep it.”
    “Ah, why?” Immediately Pam started to hope that the guy Steve had in mind was Mike. “Who?”
    “Someone it wouldn’t get out from. But so he could see you, and you’d know he’d seen you, but he couldn’t keep it any way without us knowing.”
    Pam sat there for a while, feeling turned on. “Can we? No, that would be awful,” she said. “We can’t do that, can we?”
    “Sorry,” Steve said. “It was just an idea.”
    “I’m into it. But it’s awful that you’d even ask me, isn’t it?”
    “I don’t know. No more than you blowing other men.”
    “I suppose.”
    “We don’t have to.”
    “Ah, no. I’m…. Who?”
    “I hadn’t thought that far. Anyone you like.”
    “It has to be someone we trust. Who won’t talk.”
    “You’re sure? Not a stranger?”
    “You’re going to just walk up to some guy and say: “Here, look at this porn then give it back.”?
    “Yeah,” he said.
    “So it has to be someone we trust not to just run off.”
    “And it has to be a guy, too. I don’t want another chick comparing herself to me.”
    “So a friend. One of your friends, basically.”
    “ Okay.”
    “And you have to pretend I don’t know he’s seeing it.”
    Steve looked at her. “I don’t know.”
    “You have to. That’s like a rule. I don’t want everyone knowing I’m the kind of person who lets people watch her dirty movies.”
    “Ah… Of course you aren’t.”
    “So you have to pretend I don’t know. That you’re showing him without me knowing.”
    “That kind of makes me look bad.”
    “It does.”
    “Really fucking bad.”
    “I know. But for this, if you want to do this, you’re going to have to look bad. Rather than me. After all, how does this make me look?” Pam paused for a moment. “That’s fair, isn’t it?”
    Steve didn’t say a word as he was thought over the options.
    Pam was growing impatient. “Do you want to or not?”
    After a moment Steve shrugged.
    “And I’m going to hide somewhere and watch him watch,” Pam said, thinking. “That’d actually be hot.” She had images of Mike becoming hard watching her. She was desperate to get it out there that she wanted Mike to be this man but she was unable to say it out of fear. How would Steve react? Would having Mike become their man change their relationship? Is it best to keep him a fantasy? So many thoughts raced through her mind.
    “How will that work? Are you going to follow us around like a ninja as I wait for the perfect moment?”
    “Don’t know. But I need to watch him watching me!”
    Steve thought. “It’d really have to be in one of the bedrooms if we do it here. You would have to hide in the closet.”
    Excitedly, Pam blurted, “Then we’ll do that.”
    “So I’m going to ask someone we know to visit and come upstairs and suddenly show him porn in the bedroom.”
    Pam started grinning as she fantasized about Mike watching her.
    “But don’t you think that’s kind of gay?”
    “Okay , fine.” Pam tried to calm herself as adrenaline kicked in as well as her arousal.  Still she blurted, “So maybe that plan isn’t the best. You show Mike wherever you happen to be, and tell me after.”
    Crap! She said his name! How did that slip out? Did he hear her?
    Steve nodded.
    Steve didn’t seemed fazed by it. Maybe he didn’t hear her. Would he be okay with Mike? Could she really do this? Pushing forward, she added, “But remember, good. And tell me in detail. Like lots of fucking detail.”
    “I promise.”
    “Okay,” Pam said. “Then we’re doing that.”

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